Chapter 10

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After cleaning JJ's wound, taking him back to the shato so he could relax, you were exhausted. Luckily they decided not to do the party till JJ was better, so you could just go home and sleep. You had just got back to your house, when you got a text from Rafe, 

(Rafe is the Bold)

Do you want to join us at the beach tonight?  

Who's us? 

Topper Sarah Kelce and me

You roll your eyes, "He really thinks I'll ever want to be near Topper for even an hour," you think walking inside the house. "Where have you been the last 3 days?" Your foster mom, Tracy, yells at you. "Uh I've been hanging out with my friends," you say putting your phone in your back pocket. "You've been smoking weed haven't you?" Tracy asks as you freeze a little bit, knowing you probably smelt like beer, weed, and salt since of the party last night and today. "So what?" You ask crossing your arms ready for the argument about to happen. "Also I know who my real parents well brother is now so you can give me up now," you say with a smile on your face. "How?" Tracy asks confused. "Found a birth certificate of mine at my friend's house," you say shortly, "Where we smoke weed." You add just to annoy her. "You're a piece of sh*t" Tracy grabs your arm roughly, "No wonder your parents put you up for f*cking adoption." You wince, the topic of being put up for adoption was a rough spot, that wasn't quite uncovered from the others yet. "Let go of my arm," you reply still confused why she grabbed it in the first place. "If you want to be with your friends that bad then just leave b*tch," she retorts shoving you towards the door. "I-" you say not knowing what to do, Tracy's a really b*tchy person but you never thought she would do this. "Just leave, we're going back to New York tomorrow anyway," she yells at you. 

You walk back to your motorcycle, but Tracy starts walking up to you, "Seriously b*tch," you mutter under your breath. "Give me your keys," she holds out her hand as you look at her in a way that you're surprised she'll think you'll give them to her. "No this is mine, I f*cking paid for this," you say starting it, shaking your head and quickly leaving the house, not even sure what the heck just happened. 

Once you get a little bit away from the house, you pull over and pull out your phone to text John B what happened. That's when you see 10 messages from Rafe, "Oh sh*t," You mumble realizing you never answered him. 

Look, I want to hang out with you, but I just got kicked out of my house, and I don't want to even be on the same island as Topper so I definitely don't want to be 3 feet from him so I can't go tonight but maybe tomorrow we can hangout after work 

You sigh waiting a few minutes to see if he'll respond but he doesn't, so you quickly text John B before heading back to the shato. 

On your way there, another motorcycle runs right in front of you, causing you to brake hard. The other driver also stops turning around coming slower back towards you. You put one leg on the ground, catching your breath. "Wow, you're hot" The guy whistles, taking off his helmet, and immediately you can tell he's high. "Just watch where you're going," you roll your eyes disgusted, already about to speed off. "I'm Barry who are you?" He says eyeing you up and down. "Fuck off," You say flipping him off before taking off. You hear the creep yell something but you don't know what it was, but luckily he doesn't follow you. 

Once you get to the shato and find out no one is there, so you take advantage of it, shower, and find some of Sarah's spare clothes in John B's room since you only had the outfit you had on till you could go sneak into your house to get your stuff. Once you finished you sat on John B's bed, it was quiet and normally you liked the quiet but this time it felt weird. Even though you were tired, part of you felt bad for not going to hang out Rafe so you got out your phone to text him that you were coming. Plus it would be fun to punch Topper again if you needed to. 

Hey! Thanks for reading hope you like it! This is a filler chapter for big stuff that's coming so just wait! 

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