Chapter 9

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Warning: there's a little bit of abuse and like blood in this one.

"So um yeah that's everything," You finish explaining to Sarah while you're working your shuft at the bar. "Wow..." Sarah says, "Rafe is totally in to you if he did and said all that." "I don't know it'l all different but it should be fun," You shrug again, before having to stop talking to Sarah to fill orders. 

"So how's it going with the little treasure hunt?" You ask during your work break. "Last night we got an earful from the others for leaving." "I think they didn't get very dar but we'll find out eventually." Sarah shrugs before grabbing a fry from your plate and eating it. You glare at her before shifting your body so she can't get anymore of your food. "Anyway, I do have some tea for you," you say as Sarah looks at you with anticipation waiting for you to continue. "Um so according to a birth certificate and adoption paperes exact to mine I'm Y/n Y/M/N Routledge so John B's sister," you explain casually almost like you're not really caring about it. "Wait seriously?" Sarah asks surprised. "Yeah, Kie found it yesterday so I pretended to be all upset and weird about it and then got JJ to follow me then we bailed on them to come to the party," you say smiling at the end of your sentence. 

Your boss yells at you that break's over. "God, is she always that f*cking annoying?" you mutter under your breath. Sarah laughs at you while you both stand up and take your food back to the kitchen. "You aren't even seeing most of it," Sarah says. "But now that you're here I can quit and never deal with it again," Sarah jokes. You flip her off before getting back to work. 

After work, you ride back to the shato, "What if we just had a party or like just hung out and not worry about the gold for like one night?" You suggest after being tired of hearing the others argue about it for a long time. "That sounds fun," Kiara agrees while everyone nodded in response. "We could invite Rafe," Sarah smiles looking straight at you. "What why?" Pope asks when everyone's eyes look straight at you. "Why would any of us want that? He's a kook remember?" You say not wanting to show the truth, also slightly mad at Sarah for mentioning something, especially when it was only last night you and Rafe made it official. "It was just an idea," Sarah shrugs as the others seem to believe her. 

"I have to go," JJ says standing up, starting to walk towards the door. "Where are you off to?" John B asks. "I'll go get the beer and stuff and I have to stop at my dad's house for a minute see y'all later," JJ says trying to leave but then you stop him. "I'm coming with you," you tell him not even letting him stop you, you squeeze between him and the door to get out to go towards his bike, before Kiara yells out behind you. "Take my dad's truck it'll be easier," she says throwing you the keys which you easily catch and hand to JJ. "You could get hurt," JJ says after a second. "Idgaf I'm coming with, plus you get to hang out with your best friend so what could be better?" you say crossing your arms waiting for him to let you. JJ sighs, "Fine but you aren't getting out of the truck got it?" "Yes sir," you salute before laughing and getting in the truck. 

Once you get to the house, JJ gets out, "What do you even need here?" You ask before JJ walks off. "Just something," he replies obviously a little uncomfortable with being back at his dad's house. "Oh a surprise," you joke with a smile. JJ chuckles before walking inside. You sit there especially since you've never even been here with him before. You've met his dad before but not ever at his house, so you sit in the car not hearing any noise which should be a good sign. But then you hear glass shatter immediately you open the door and get out ready to run inside if you hear anything else. You hear a door slam but not the one JJ went into. "F*cking piece of sh*t," you hear his dad yell. You then see JJ hurriedly walking towards the truck with a bag over his shoulder. 

You get inside the truck so that way when JJ gets in you can leave the place quickly. But surprisingly he stays outside leaning on the back of the truck after putting the bag in the bed of the truck, his head in his hands. Slowly, you get out and go around to see JJ, "Hey, are you okay?" you say standing next to him. "Huh? Oh yeah um let's just go," JJ says turning to go get in  the truck when you grab his arm so you can look at him. 

There's blood running down his face, because there's a gash on the right side of his forehead. You don't ask questions knowing it would only make it worse, "Come on I wanna drive now," you say making him walk with you to the passenger seat. He gets in silently, obviously in a lot of pain but also a little zoned out. You look in the back seat for anything to clean it with, finally finding a towel to at least stop the bleeding till you could get back to the shato. "Are you okay?" You ask him as he half smiles. "I'm great!" he says sarcastically as you frown at him. "Is there anywhere else that hurts or anything?" you ask. "no just there, come on let's go to the store so we can stop this f*cking pain," JJ says touching the towel to his head wincing. "What did you get hit with?" You ask slowly. He doesn't answer for a minute, "J..." you say again getting in the front seat. "A plate," he says slowly. "There might still be like pieces in there then come on let's go," you say driving off trying hard to ignore the fact that JJ was holding your free hand the whole way there. 

Thanks for reading!

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