Chapter 6

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You sat by yourself on the picnic table outside school, waiting to see if Topper would show up. Fifteen minutes had passed since school got out, you thought that he definitely wouldn't show up but as you were about to leave you saw him walking outside with Kelce.

"Topper over here," you said standing up, crossing your arms. "So what do you want me for?" Topper smirks at you, checking you out. "Just so you know you're an idiot if you think I would ever do anything with you," you smirk back. "Oh shit Topper we gotta go remember," Kelce says trying not to start a fight. You liked Kelce he wasn't really a bad guy just hung out with the wrong people. "It's okay Kelce," you say still staring at Topper, "No one will get hurt if everyone behaves." "Princess, no one is going to get hurt because you could never hurt me," Topper challenges. "You really think that?" You ask narrowing your eyes at him. "If you want any shot with Rafe you won't hurt me," Topper says calmly, "I'm his best friend do you really think he would like it if you would beat me up all the time?" "Whatever I don't fucking care what he thinks you're not allowed to call me a whore no one is," you say preparing to start the fight. "But you are one." 

You punch him again in the face making the already bruise he had on his face even worse. Topper staggers back as Kelce starts to come defend Topper but when you glare at Kelce, he steps back, having to watch the show in front of him. You kick him in the knees to where he falls on the ground. Quickly, you kneel right down next to him, still furious and shaking from anger, "Don't." Punch. "Call." Punch. "Me." Punch. "A." Punch. "Whore." "That's enough Y/n," You say freezing when you hear the person's voice. "Get off of me bitch," Topper says trying to stop you from punching him. "You did what you needed now get off before I have to make you," the voice says again. Slowly, you get up your hands were bruised from hitting him and hitting the ground when you missed Topper's face. "Why are you here?" You ask turning to face Rafe, "Kelce texted me that Topper was getting beat up by someone," he shrugs. "Well um there he is for you," you say looking at Topper again and rolling your eyes as he stood up. "I will get you back for this bitch," Topper says spiting blood on the ground. "Can't wait," you say rolling your eyes as he walks away. 

"Um so I better get back I have to go to a interview thing your sister set me up with," you say. "Yeah the club right?" "Uh yeah how'd you know that?" "She told me," He says looking at your hands. "Come in let's go get you patched up before your interview k?" He says with a smile at you. "Sure," you say following him to his bike. "You want me to come back to your house with you," you ask stopping as Rafe turns at you with a smirk, "Well unless you feel like walking 10 miles I suggest you get on." "Ha ha very funny," you say sarcastically, getting on behind him, putting your arms around his waist to hold on. "You better let me die today," you say as he speeds off. "Wouldn't even think about it sweetheart," you hear him say. 

"Come on your hands are already swollen," Rafe says once you get to the house or mansion in more accurate words. Even though you've been to the Cameron's house so many times before, it still amazed you at how big it was every time. "Alright," you say as he leads you towards the bathroom to get you cleaned up. "I don't know why you're so concerned about me getting cleaned up," you say slowly when Rafe starts getting supplies out. Rafe's breath hitches. "Uh because we can't have you looking like that at your interview now can we?" He covers up his reaction quickly. "Yeah I guess that wouldn't make too much of a good impression," you shrug trying to clear the air of awkwardness. 

You sit down on the chair in his room, as he kneels down in front of you to start cleaning your hands. "You should come around to the club if I get a job there," you say stopping the silence. "Yeah maybe I will," Rafe says shortly, so you stop trying to make conversation with him and just let him clean the wounds. 

"Alright there you go," Rafe says finishing before looking at you. You both stare into each other's eyes for a few minutes before you clear your throat. "I better get going," you say standing up awkwardly. "Sarah said she'd bring me to the club and I think she's here so I'll see you around," you smile. "and um thank you for helping out. Maybe you should knock some sense into Topper for me," you joke making Rafe laugh. "I think you already knocked some sense into him already," he says as you leave to go find Sarah.

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