Chapter 7

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You got the job! It wasn't very hard or anything but currently you were working at the bar since Sarah left early by yourself making drinks and dealing with people. 

"So you're working here now?" Rafe asks sitting at the barstool near where you're working at. "How'd you know?" "Sarah texted me and I come here all the time," Rafe explains. "Why is Sarah texting you everything about me?" You ask before stepping away to deliver another drink. Rafe shrugs, "Cause she is, I don't know," Rafe says once you get back over to him. You roll your eyes, muttering under your breath making drinks. "Are you coming to the party tongiht?" "What party?" You ask finally looking up at him, since the others would've told you about a party if there was one. "The one on our boat tonight, Sarah will be there," Rafe explains. "Wait is this like a very high expensive kook party?" You ask with a sly smile. "I mean yeah but it'll be fun." "Can I bring JJ with me?" you ask, seeing Rafe visibly tense at the name. "Yeah sure I guess if you want." "Rafe," you frown, "He's my best friend there's nothing wrong with inviting him." Rafe shrugs as your phone dings. Quickly, you grab it from the back pocket of your jeans, your smile grows looking at the message, "Speaking of JJ, he's here to pick me up, see you tonight!" You say running off. Rafe sighs watching you leave before ordering another drink. 

"What did y'all find out?" You ask JJ getting on his bike, behind him. You put your arms around his waist to hold on as he speeds off, "Just wait you'll find out in a minute sweetheart," JJ yells over the noise so you can hear him. 

Y'all arrive at the shato, you and JJ get off the bike and head up to the porch where everyone is. "So what's the news?" you ask grabbing a beer from the cooler. "We found something out about the gold," John B starts. "Oh it's actually serious let me get a couple beers in then," you joke sitting next to Kiara. John B rolls his eyes as everyone else stifles a laugh, " Anyway, we wanted you to join us for this next part since it's only fair," he says as you look at him confused, "Why do I feel like this isn't anything life threatening...." "Oh no it isn't life threatening at all," Kiara says. 

"FILES, you wanted my help to go through all of these files of your dad's office?" you say complaining as all of them started going through boxes. "We think there might be a clue or something in here to find the gold," John B says as you sigh. "Why the hell am I friends with any of you?" you mutter but most of them except John B heard it. "You love me though," JJ jokes looking through the box next to you. "sure..." you say sarcastically as JJ fakes being hurt, "Do you want to come to a party with me tonight?" you whisper with a smile. "With who?" "Rafe, Sarah and the kooks," you pause as JJ's mood changes to more anger like, "But there will be beer and everything it'll be fun for us to hang out right?" You quickly say as JJ breaks into a smile. "Yeah I'll come sooner we finish this the sooner we can go so I'll race you through this box," JJ smirks as you laugh and start looking through the papers more quickly.

"Um John B, come here," you hear Kiara say rather loudly on the other side of the room. "What did you find?" You ask still looking through papers. "Anything about the gold?" Pope asks. "Uh no not about the gold," Kiara says slowly. "What then?" you ask again putting the papers down. "Um Y/n... you're adopted right?" Kiara asks as you bite your lip your past was a rough subject for you, something you didn't ever want to talk about. You clear your throat quickly, "Yes I am," you say as confidently as possible. "When's your birthday?" Kiara asks. "Alright what is going on?" You ask walking over to them grabbing the piece of paper out of their hands, reading it. Your face pales a little bit, "Um I don't understand," you say looking at the adoption of consent and birth certificate papers in your hands. "This has to be fake and not me," you say not taking your eyes off the page. "Did you know?" You turn to John B who looks just as shocked as you, "Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" Pope asks almost angrily. Eveyone stares at Pope surprised until John B clears his throat, "These papers say that Y/n is my sister." "But that doesn't make sense why would they give me up and not you? What if I just share a birthday and name with a sister of yours or something?" You ramble a little bit. "I um think it's real Y/n," John B says as you sigh. "I think so too but I need a beer now good luck," you say a little stressed but you throw JJ a playful glance, which he notices and understands. "I'll be back I just need a little bit," you say walking out of the room. 

Everyone just stares at each other for a minute, "I'm going to go check on her," JJ says walking out no one objecting to it before Pope starts looking at papers again Kiara and John B following his lead. 

JJ sneaks out to find you by the dock, "Kinda crazy my life was shit and now coming here I found y'all and now John B's my brother," you say leaning on the railing looking at the water. "I'll figure it out though but maybe that means I won't ever have to leave here," you smile at JJ. "So Y/n," JJ says with a smile on his face, "there's this party tonight and I would really really like it if you would accompany me." You start laughing, "A party? I don't think I can make it you see my brother has this room of boxes we have to look through and it would be just miserable to leave him to do it all by himself." Both of you look at each other with a smile on your faces for a minute before you say, "Run." 

You and JJ start running off towards his motorcycle, both of you jumping on as he starts it. John B, Pope, and Kiara start running out of the shato. "Y/n!" You hear John B yell as JJ takes off. Both of you raise one hand to flip them off as you look back with a smile before turning to hold on to JJ not being able to stop laughing. 

Hey! This is probably one of my favorite chapters I've ever written hope you like it! 

Vote and comment if you want thanks for reading! 

Hurricane An Outer Banks Story Rafe x JJ x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora