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Sudden cravings are the worst, especially if you're in space. Wanting something there is only limited supplies of isn't great.

Qadr normally craves chicken especially tandoori chicken, fresh off the tandoor. It's not the same when it's cooked in the oven, the flavours don't come out as much.

Laki normally craves Saffiya's cooking as a whole, whilst Michelle often craves pretzels.

Nero walked into the kitchen area to find Britney searching through the cupboards and muttering to herself.

Nero spins on his heel and walks away, not up for setting off that time bomb, today, he thinks to himself.

Later on, he notices Britney frustratedly eating some breadsticks. Since Nero has many sisters, he knows what a girl looked like when she was craving something she couldn't have. Even his youngest sister, Cienna craves a hot dog from time to time.

Him and his brothers often took turns to attend to their sisters needs just to maintain peace in their noisy household. When they crave things themselves, they just go out and get what they want but their sisters would rather mope and be annoyed.

Nero looks around for Qadr and tracks him down in the library. "Qadr," Nero starts. "Favour from you."

"She's craving chocolate," Qadr fills in, reading his mind before he could verbally ask the question.

"Anything chocolatey, she said she hasn't come across a good bit of chocolate in months."

"Really? Chocolate?" Nero asks, he thought it would have been something savoury since she had been snacking on breadsticks to ignore her cravings.

"Yes, Captain Bonehead saw it fit to make all the supplies of snack chocolate to be Hershey's, our Britney is not a fan apparently."

"Not very American of her," Nero chuckles.

"It's one of the few opinions my sister and I share," Qadr nods.

"Thanks, Qadr," Nero smiles, he starts leaving when Qadr stops him and uses telekinesis to pass him a book.

"Try using this," he says, "It may help. We should have some chocolate that is about 70% cacao, I think that was for Laki ls chance-of-diabetes-warning package he received from his mother."

Nero looks down to see a recipe book, "Thanks, mate."

Nero goes to confirm about the chocolate with Laki then heads to the kitchen. Britney is nowhere in sight, a mental message from Qadr comes that Britney had joined him in the library.

"Alright, let's get on it," Nero claps his hand. He searches for a chocolate fudge recipe in the book and finds one that seemed simple enough:

1 50ml of milk

175g of sugar

50g of unsalted butter

half a teaspoon of vanilla

50g of 70% dark chocolate


He gathers the ingredients and starts following the recipe, making a trail of mess with every step. Out of the four brothers, Nero was always the best at baking but also the messiest.

Half an hour later, one frustrated Britney walks into the kitchen, "What the hell happened in here?"

She sees Nero sitting on the table staring at the tray of fudge as he waits for it to set. The sound of his own voice singing Scars to Your Beautiful from his bracelet, held only just set it to play that when Britney came in after he saw her destroying the kitchen.

"Rivers, What the hell?"

He chuckles, slightly embarrassed, "Qadr said you were craving chocolate."

"And what's that got to do with this chaos?"

He smiles as he feels blood rushing to his cheeks, "I made chocolate fudge."

A moment of silence.

"Seriously?" she asks surprised.

She walks over to him and examines the tray of fudge, "Yes and no," Nero exclaims, "It's not set yet."


He hands her the bowl he used to mix the ingredients, "You can lick this while you wait."

"That's unsanitary."

"You'll be the only one licking it. Come on, satisfy you cravings whilst this sets."

"Why are you acting weird today?" Britney says eyeing the man sitting on the countertop, "What did you do?"

"Other than make this mess?"


"I just thought you'd be annoyed for a while if you don't get what you're craving."

Slightly flustered she exclaims "Clean up this mess."

A while later after Britney licked the bowl clean and Nero had scrubbed the entire kitchen, the fudge finally finished setting.

Nero cuts out a cube shape from the fudge and gives it to Britney.

She eats it and to her shock it tastes amazing, even better than the leftover mix!

Nero bends down slightly to examine Britney's reaction without realising how close he was to her.

She jumps back, "I've had better," she mutters and scurries away.

"You're welcome," Nero calls after her, purposely standing up straighter.

He cuts up the rest of the fudge.

A few hours later, all the fudge was gone. Qadr informed Nero the pieces went to their intended person.

Before bed, he remembers Britney's expression that he caught a glimpse of before she realised how close he was. He smiles slightly, "At least my sisters would admit it was good before eating the lot."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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