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Today was a victorious day for the Sora 5 crew, after several failed attempts, the crew had their first trading contract with extraterrestrials signed. It was with a planet called Hadeeqa; the contract was signed by the Queen of the Shajara aliens. The species looked mostly human, however, they had leaves for hair and their warriors wore bark armour.

Nero was ecstatic. When the crew set back off into space, he video called his family back on Earth.
It rang for a mere ten seconds before his youngest sister Cienna answered the call.
"Nero!" she squealed.
"Hey squirt," Nero laughed, giving her a brilliant smile. "How's life on Earth?"
"Normal," she shrugged.
"Aw come on," Nero said. "Tell me about your day."
After about five minutes of Cienna rambling about how her favourite milkshake at McDonald's got discontinued the rest of Nero's family came onto the camera. They were all talking over each other, Nero couldn't make out a single word but he smiled and listened anyway.
When Nero realised he had been conversing for a full hour, he sighed and said: "I gotta go guys."
"Aw!" his family whined in unison.
"I'm sorry," Nero said sullenly. "I miss you all, even you Mikey."
His family chuckled. "You should ring more often," his sister Vanilla said quietly.
"Yes," agreed his mother. "You better be eating properly as well, otherwise I'll have your father build a rocket and I'll come and feed you myself."
"I'm eating fine Mom," Nero groaned. "Qadr and Britney are both good cooks."
"Surely not as good as me," his mother asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course not," Nero assures her. "No one is better than you."
"Momma's boy," all seven of his siblings said in unison.
"You're all just jealous cause Mom gives me extra turkey on Christmas," Nero retorted, sticking his tongue out childishly.
A few hundred protests overtook the mic, then Nero chuckled and said "Bye guys," and ended the call.
Nero couldn't bare it. He got off his chair and wandered into the kitchen. All the other crew members had retreated into their quarters.
Nero looked out the window to see the stars. He sighed, the feeling of loneliness consumed him.
He began to sing to break the silence.
"How many days have past like this? The city the crowd is fading, moving on..."
"...Nero?" said a voice as a hand touched his shoulder.
Nero gasped "Laki! You scared me!"
"Sorry," the older man said sheepishly. "You sounded sad. Something wrong?"
"Oh god, was my singing disturbing you?"
"No, not at all! You just sounded sad," Laki explained.
"Just feeling a little homesick."
"Yeah, when it's quiet here, I remember how noisy it is at home," Nero chuckled sadly.
"I know the feeling," Laki smiled. "My wife hates the quiet so she always has the TV on playing songs, or just watching the news."
"Oh," Nero said. "Singing helps me feel better."
"I understand."
"Messing with Britney reminds me of teasing my siblings, so that keeps me going."
Laki laughed then the door opened. "Speak of the devil," Laki whispered to Nero as Britney entered the room.
"What are you two doing up?" she asked.
"Thinking of home," Nero sighed Laki crept away.
"I'd gladly go home to get away from you," Britney stated.
Nero put a hand in his heart "Aw! I'm hurt. You ain't even gonna miss me? Not even a tiny bit?"
Britney scowled and muttered something racist. "That's not very nice," Nero scolded. "I thought we were friends," he said, giving her his best pouty face.
Unable to look at the pouting boy, Britney marched back to her quarters "sorry." she whispered.
Nero's jaw dropped. He pinched his arm to check if he was dreaming.
Neither of them spoke about that moment ever again.

Qadr who was accidentally listening was also shocked. "She apologised! Subhan Allah!" he muttered to himself quietly then began making dua "Oh Allah please make my sisters leave their racist ways. Ameen."

When Britney returned to her and Michelle's quarters, she stomped straight to her bed.
"You took your time," Michelle commented.
"Shut up!"
"Bump into Nero?" her sister said knowingly.
"Yeah, why is he so annoying?" Britney whined. "Not that it is any of your business."
Michelle shrugged. They're as bad as each other, she thought to herself.

The End

The End

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The Chaotic Life of Qadr ul Islam on the Sora 5 Where stories live. Discover now