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"We'll sign the contract," declares the Volcanas King, Jibaalu.
The Volcanas were humanoid, however, their skin was made of igneous rock which had vein-like cracks filled with magma.
In contrast to the planet Hadeeqa, the planet Aaniyah was so uninhabitable to human life, the crew had to wear goggles to be able to see through the smokie atmosphere.

"Allah hu Akbar!" Qadr cried as the king signed the contract (he had to wear heat resistant gloves so he didn't burn the paper.)

Michelle quietly whispered to her sister an Islamophobic comment. It was whispered so Laki and Nero didn't hear, the two didn't care if Qadr heard because they knew he did and they couldn't do anything about it.

This time, however, Nero did hear. He walked over to Qadr and put his hand on his shoulder, "I know it's hard bro, " he said, his little battles with Britney had caused him to have heard his fair share of hurtful comments. "Your God's gonna help you through this."
Qadr smiled, "I know, hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakeel."
Nero raised an eyebrow and was about to ask what the words meant, but then Laki approached them, "The Volcanas are going to give us a tour of the city market places, King Jibaalu said they have no shortage of precious rocks."

The three men chuckled.

A few days later, Qadr sat in his room, alone. He had just found out the Lunar calendar date on Earth, 20th of Sha'ban. That meant only around ten days until Ramadan.
"Ramadan in space," he chuckled. "Talk about lonely."
Qadr sighed and raised up his hands and began to make dua.
"Oh Allah, please grant me someone who I can share my Ramadan with, Ameen." After that, he began reciting Quran.

After a while, Michelle and Laki were walking past Qadr's room on their way to the greenhouse. When they heard his recitation they paused.
"Don't you think his recitation is amazing?" Laki asked in awe.

"The guy can sing, I gotta admit."
Laki internally facepalmed in annoyance, however before he could respond Nero -who overheard their conversation- appeared.
"He isn't singing stupid!"

"Sure sounds like it to me," Michelle shrugged.
"He is reciting verses from the Kuran," Nero stated angrily.
"Nero calm down," Laki said. "She doesn't get it."

"I can speak for myself," Michelle snapped.

Nero took a breath, then said: "From what I understand it's meant to be poetry, the word of God with no changes by man."

Britney joined the group from the other end of the hallway, she was returning from the gym. "You know Qadr can hear you all," she pointed out.
"Thank you Brit, you reminded me why I came here," Nero said.
"I thought you came to lecture Michelle," Laki said with a small smile.

Michelle swore at him quietly and marched away.

"What did you want to ask him?" Britney questioned Nero.
"I wanted to learn Arabic so I can read the Kuran with him."

Britney looked at him, surprised, "That actually sounds cool."
"Planning on bonding with your brother?" Laki asked.
Britney's eyes narrowed as she put her hands on her hips "Gotta problem with that Lima?"
Laki saluted her fearfully "No ma'am."

"Sound good Qadr?" Nero asked, raising his voice a bit.
The door opened and Qadr appeared "Yes, it sounds fun," he smiled.
Thank you, Allah, for accepting my dua, Qadr said internally. "We can start in about ten days time, inshallah."
Laki and Britney then walked away in opposite directions.

Suddenly remembering something, Nero asked Qadr "Hey bro, what did that thing mean that you said back on Aaniyah?"
Qadr paused for a moment before replying: "Allah is enough for me."

The Chaotic Life of Qadr ul Islam on the Sora 5 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora