The Sora 5

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Qadr never was a normal child, his peculiar blue hair separated him from his peers at the orphanage. But he was a kind and gentle soul and grew up to be a respectable young Muslim. However, when he turned sixteen by the lunar calendar (10th of Rajab) he suddenly began sprouting Wolfish features. The people in the orphanage knew he was special, him growing up with telekinesis and telepathy taught them to adapt to his supernatural ways.

Soon, word got out that Pakistan had a telepathic werewolf that could translate any language and he was picked up by NASA.

The American government had plans to create trade deals with aliens.

The discovery of extraterrestrials took place in 2025. Apparently, they saw the state that the world was left in after the coronavirus pandemic and decided to help the humans out.

Qadr spent five years training for the mission NASA had assigned. It was now 2035, a full ten years after the aliens had appeared. Qadr was now 21 and ready to explore space.

It was discovered in 2033, that Qadr was not 100% Pakistani. Though that was obvious since he was a werewolf and all. They found out his long lost mother was American, Lily Friar Queens. She had gotten married to Qadr's father, who had gone missing mere days after Qadr was born. Lily was left in a foreign country with a blue-haired baby boy and nowhere to go. She panicked and left baby Qadr at an orphanage, before moving back home to America. She got remarried and had two daughters, Michelle and Britney who coincidentally, were both training to become astronauts.

When Qadr found out, he made dua every night that he would be united with his half-sisters. After living his life with no real family, the discovery of his half-sisters was a blessing!

After six months, both of his sister's were assigned on Qadr's mission.
To Qadr's dismay, his two half-sisters were raised, racist. They despised the sight of him. Qadr's mother assured him "They'd come around" so Qadr carried on making dua.

Two months later, Qadr and the Queens sisters were introduced to the ship that they were going to be travelling in.

The Sora 5.

The ship looked like it came out of a Star Wars movie. When they were given a tour of the ship, they found: two bathrooms, a quiet room, four dorms (there were meant to be five but it was decided that the quiet room was more important for the mental health of the astronauts), a greenhouse filled to the brim with growing food supplies, a lounge, a kitchen, a library, a storeroom filled with more food supplies, a gym and of course the cockpit.

"This is more luxury hotel than it is a rocket," commented Michelle.

When they exited the ship they were introduced to the last two members of the crew.
The general giving them the tour (General Bonehead) paused in his march and pointed to the two men.
"Ladies and gent," he said, "This is Captain Lima and the ship's mechanic Nero Rivers, they'll be accompanying you on your mission."

Captain Lima, who was about 5'10 held out his hand to Qadr "You can all me Laki, Mr Islam I presume?"
"Qadr is fine," Qadr chuckled.
Nero pointed to the Queens sisters, "Are you two twins?" he asked curiously.
Michelle rolled her eyes and Britney spat out a racist swear.
Nero was shocked but smiled, "This is gonna be a fun mission.", he chirped.
Qadr winced, understanding his pain. He pointed to his sisters "The one in the creme jacket is Michelle and the one in the dark purple jumper is Britney. Michelle is older than Britney by one year but they are sisters so that's why they look similar. Please forgive Britney, I think she's just tired after the long tour."
"Don't speak for me wolf!" Britney snarled.
"That's enough Miss Queens," The general snapped.
"I'm sorry General," Britney replied whilst saluting.

After four months of prep work, the crew were finally ready to set off.

The five loaded their belongings onto the ship and said their goodbyes. The crew found out that Laki had only half his family, his mother, his wife and his sister. The rest of his family were killed off by the Coronavirus. In contrast, Nero came from a family of ten, with extended family in Australia.

Qadr had requested that a thousand American dollars worth of cash be sent to his orphanage, who happily accepted the gift, though it took some persuading.

The five sat down in their chairs in the cockpit and strapped themselves in.

Laki began flicking switches and turning knobs carefully, it was clear he knew what he was doing, "What's our status, Nero?", He asked without turning his head.

"Stable status!", Nero replied from his own desk of dials and digital charts. "We're loaded securely!", he continued, "Ready and waiting, captain!"

Laki flicked a switch here, there.


Red lights beeped on, signalling the end of preparation.

Michelle and Britney nodded towards each other. They were ready.

Nero sucked in a breath.

Laki closed his eyes as he hit the button to initiate.

Qadr braced himself, "Bismillah...", he'd prayed.

The countdown began:

To be continued.

The Chaotic Life of Qadr ul Islam on the Sora 5 Where stories live. Discover now