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Hi sweeties ! Few words before getting in the story.

First of all, I'm Nay, 21 and it's nice to meet you all. Not new to wattpad, I've been there since 2014, reading and fangirling all night. I already wrote stories that I took out of the platform because they are precious memories from my teenage days (and cringe let's be honest haha).

Secondly, I'm French so english being not my native language, I ask y'all to be nice and respectful since I'll end up making a lot of mistakes. I'm used to speak and watch however I never tried writing a story in English. Now that I've grown up I think it's the perfect time to try this. I view this as an exercise to practice and a way to see how my vision of a romantic story has evolved.

Thirdly, online stories especially on wattpad have been something that helped my mental health a lot these last few years. I felt the need to communicate with people and sharing something that is my own. The need to create and being proud at the end saying "Yeah this is mine and I did all on my own" is what I crave for now. 

Finally, thanks to those who have read this speech, I know most of us would directly go look for the aesthetics and start reading. anyway I hope y'all enjoy this trip in my own world with my character. Please don't be harsh with me, I'll do my best so let's enjoy it together !


Text Copyright © Nay ™ 2022

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

All characters in this publication are fictional and any resemblance to or with real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.



"I'm an introvert who can fake being an extrovert

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"I'm an introvert who can fake being an extrovert. I love people, but they exhaust me."

― Lisa T. Bergren


 "I kinda felt like the first slice of bread in the bag

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 "I kinda felt like the first slice of bread in the bag. Everyone touched me, but no one wanted me."

― Kelly Moran



"What makes you laugh ? Do you think I won't dare to do it ?"

I immediately stopped. 

Was she joking ? It had to be a joke...right ? There's no chance she would even try..Not with me.

I was still lost in my thoughts when I saw her leaning over me slowly, looking straight in my eyes. I could feel my cheeks getting red as she gets closer and closer. She looks so confident with that gleam in her eyes that makes my stomach twist, I can see her enjoying this. Terrifyingly beautiful, she got even closer that I can feel her breathe on me. Only a small gap before our lips touched.

I closed my eyes quickly when I suddenly feels air on my face. Did she..blow on my face ? I jolted from the surprise and fell off the chair.

I look up at Nerissa laughing at me. It sounds so great..What's wrong with my thoughts these days.

I got up chuckling with her, looking at me on the corner of her eyes, her fist supporting her head, she said a sentence that will haunt me for days:

"Next time, I won't stop Jude so be prepared"

This pretty and smart girl who became somehow my friend just dropped a bomb in my room and got back to study. Only 2 thoughts were roaming in my mind while standing up astonished in my room.

How am I gonna sleep now ? Will she taste like cherry 

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