C H A P T E R - 3

33 2 1

POV Nerissa

We were sitting in the large cafeteria, night has already fallen and students were eating. The room was filled with laughs and joy. Good, dinner time is supposed to be welcoming. Today at the menu we have lasagnas, with this, a debate between the three of us.

"I'm telling you it's a spanish dish !" said Rina, slapping her hand on the table

"I'm 98% sure that it's italian" I added sipping in my water "I mean, it even sounds italian with the aaa at the end"

"And the winner is...." Kei was making the suspens go on while checking on his phone, he points his hand toward me "Nerissa !". I bombed my torso with proud and fake laughed like a diva. Rina fell on the table with a strangled sound.

"Oh i didn't know it was pastas tho" said Kei scrolling on the wikipedia page

"It seems logical if you consider the layers between meat as pastas". I took the whole part in my fork and watched it like an inspector."We should go to an italian restaurant later this week then !" proposed Rina and we agreed. I never go to those place if not for them. I would be still locked up in my room eating crisps.

Feeling satisfied I stretched my arms then I suddenly felt as if my hand was lighter. I heard gasps and the stares from people and more important my friends were having this shocked expression on their faces. I was dumbfounded, why are they looking at me like that

"Nerissa...the..lasagnas.." Kei was pointing behind me. I slowly tuned my head and that's when I realized. The guy behind me was covered in lasagnas....my lasagnas. I let a loud grasp "Oh my gosh !". I didn't think twice and stand up from my chair to him. "I-I apologize, I really didn't mean to do that !" I took few tissues and tried to clean him up a bit. What an imbecile I am, the year just started and I made a mistake. What if he's angry, this is so embarassing, why did I even take it in my fork ? It was meant to happen argh.

"Don't worry..I can take care of it" the guy said with a soft voice. His eyes were wide looking straight into my eyes. Why does he seem familiar ? I feel mortified. "NO ! It's all my fault, we have to clean up everything from you first. Please follow me !" I pulled his hand and took him to the nearest toilets. He stiffened but let me do it.

"I'm really sorry, I was so immersed in what I was doing..It's not a good excuse". I removed what was left with tissue and throw it in the bin. The guy took off his glasses and was washing them in the sink."I..rather feel sorry because you can't eat now" he said. The guilt was building up in my stomach.

"You should worry about yourself ! Look at this mess, your hairs and clothes are dirtied because of me and you still think like this ??" I sighed. He's a kind soul, if it was me I would have planned a whole revenge plan already. "I will definitely repay you !"

He put his glasses back and still didn't meet my gaze. Does he hate me ?  "You don't need to..I'll go now" then he was gone before I could say something. I stayed in front of the toilets leaning on the wall for a few minutes and then returned to the cafeteria.

I was watching my table from afar and saw Rina yelling to someone. It seems like a heated conversation. What happened ? I went straight to our table.

"What are you implying ? We're bullying him on purpose ?" She stated slapping the table and looking straight into a black guy with glasses, dressed as if he was going on a luncheon with high ranked people. If I remember correctly, he was sat in front of the guy I just met. His friend I guess.

"So you will explain to me how she threw the lasagnas on my friend's head, she was sat just behind him and who would play with food at this age ? If not for humiliating him then what else ?" he replied and I clenched my fist.. It was my fault for being lost in my thoughts however it's not that bad, I should ease the tension before it gets out of control. Rina was going to say something back to him but I cut her of before. I place myself between both of them.

"You're right it's my fault, I wasn't focused on my food and because of me food got wasted and I even got another student in trouble" He watched me and calmed down. "However you can't slander me just because of one mistake, bullying is a serious accusation. I'm sure you said it to defend your friend so let's just end it here. I already apologized to him so no need to start a conflict". The whole cafeteria and even my friends were all focused on us. He watched me as if he was searching for a hint of lie and finally his eyes softened a bit.

"Okay I believe you this time but you should give a better education to your watchdog and don't let it bark at me anymore". The guy pointed his chin toward Rina and finally went out.

"What the fuck ???? What did he just say ?? A watchdog ??" Rina tried to get off Kei's grip "Let it go Rina, we'll take care of this next time" my friend said. I sighed again, massaging my temples. Great ! We made an enemy on the first day.

After the commotion we all went to our rooms. I fell on my bed and the flashbacks from today resurged. The shame got me and I was now rolling into my blanket cringing. "Arrrgh why me". Soon I tried to ease my mind by thinking about something nice. That day when I went to take a snack. The night dance in the rain with the hooded boy. Finally I fell asleep thinking about the prince charming who danced with me that night.

I want to meet him again.


First impressions are sometimes not the best but it also makes them memorable. Give people a second chance, maybe they can turn into the best humans you've ever met !

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