C H A P T E R - 4

22 2 1

POV Nerissa

He's avoiding me. That's the conclusion I came with after passing the past few days searching for him. Lasagna boy was either disappearing right after the end of the class or was nowhere to be find. He wasn't even at the cafeteria for dinner. I plopped on the floor next to the stairs, this side of the building is for the large library and I'm tired from running. This place is so magical and huge, I think I love the smell old books the most however  it's not time to be amazed. I was looking for him but couldn't find him there. Was he still in his dorm ? I turn my head and something felt strange. Why is there molding there ?

Isn't it supposed to be on the ceiling only ?  I reach to knock on it. It sounds hollow..Is there anything behind ? I didn't have time to think about it when I heard the school bell. "Shit I'm late !!" 

I run since this morning argh... I could see the door of my classroom...and someone standing in front of it. I came closer and that's when I saw his slim figure and hoodie . His shoulders were plopped in front of...the teacher !!

"It's been a week already and you still can't find your classroom ? If I need to set up an example for your classmates I have to punish you. I hope there won't be a next time."

Oh no ! He won't accept latecomers, I forgot that it's not a lecture hall class but a group one. I grasp my bag and take a breathe before going. I won't late him take a scold alone. The teacher noticed me and sighed. My lasagna boy turned slowly and stiffened after meeting my eyes.

Okay..neither of them will be softened by my flashing smile.

"Late as well miss ? Both of you should stay outside for the rest of the hour and I'll give you work at the end of the class." He slammed the door at our faces and here we are standing like idiots.

I could see him sliding slowly on the wall on my left. What was he doing ? "You're not a ninja so you should stop trying to be discreet." I said while still looking at the door in front of me. He stopped still his back on me.

 "Why...are you...avoiding me ?"

He blurted some nonsensical syllables, maybe his friend was right and he thinks I was bullying him..Then it needs to stop now. I quickly step in front of him and bow my head "I would like to apologize one more time ! I'm sorry for humiliating you in front of the whole cafeteria, my intentions weren't bad !! I promise you it will never happen again !"

Strangled sounds were coming again from his mouth but this time I bet I heard a "Don't apologize". So he wasn't that mad I guess ? I finally raise my head to see him properly for the first without the sauce all over him. That's when it hits me.

The hoodie, the glasses, this long body and these ash blond hairs that were shining on the neon lights that night. The dance, the rainy night and the guy who appeared like magic. He seemed awkward but eventually let loose to dance with me...I was so eager to meet him again. 

I don't know how much time I was watching him when he cut me fixing him. "Hum..I didn't want to avoid you.." he blurted quickly while I could slightly see his neck getting red. I raised an eyebrow for him to continue, "I thought you would prefer if I stayed away from you.."

I could see his finger tap on his side, is he nervous ? I feel like it's not entirely true. "So you dance with me at midnight and then disappear ? Who do you think you are ? Cinderella ?"

"No I-I..it's not like that" he was stuttering a lot and looking around him. Cute. "You recognized me right ? Is that..why you're avoiding me ? Do you..hate me now ?"

"NO ! I wouldn't do that !" That's when he finally look at me. I know there is another reason but I need to corner him. "You better tell me why then."

He grips the thread of his hoodie and finally say "I-I was embarrassed..that you saw like that. I didn't want to meet you with food on me and after..I got scared of meeting you..." he sights "I'm sorry..I didn't want to avoid you.."

I chuckle a bit. He's the cute type, I understand now however I should stop teasing him.

"I don't think we had the chance to introduce ourselves" I reach out my hand to him. "I'm Nerissa, Nerissa Khan-Lambert"

He hesitates some time before taking my hand "Jude Morgenstern.." Jude Morgenstern..hot name. He quickly let go of my hand after one shake. 

I slowly sit on the floor and pat him the spot next to me. Jude looks around him and plops next to me, not too near but not far either. We're making progress I guess ?

"So..Jude Morgenstern, tell me more about you"

"W-What do you want me to say ?" I can hear his voice cracking and I chuckle. Jude hides in his hood again, I think he's quite shy. "Yeah tell me what career you're pursuing, we met only in two lessons so I guess we're not doing the same degree"

There's a small silence before he opens his mouth "I want to become an accountant...for a gaming company" Oh I wasn't expecting that. "That's quite specific, don't people usually become a game developper ?" He stiffens besides me, I think I touched a sensitive topic. "I..like numbers.." So what ? I mean he could become an accountant for many other companies why games ? There's nothing wrong he could like numbers and games but it seems off for me however I won't dig in, it's too personal.

"Well, you don't need advice from a stranger but I will say one thing.." He turns his head toward me, eyes focused on mine and I can finally see his face close, he has nice lashes and the look in his eyes..plump rosy lips and even his glasses are charming. Focus Nerissa ! 

"We're first years so we still have plenty of time until the end of the year to choose what to do for next year, you can still change for 3D animation classes or anything else because we chose a university that makes it possible !" I raise my fist while giving my motivation speech.

I come back to my senses and look at him "Anyway what I mean to say is we have the whole year to discover what we like !" He doesn't avoid my gaze and slowly ask "And you ?"

"I want to work in the biology field, I don't know exactly what yet but something mixing sciences and softwares, that's why we have few classes in common" He studies me before smiling gently. I like his smile. "So we should become friends !" Jude looks at me bewildered. Did I say something weird ?

"You..you want to be friends with me ?" Why is he shocked ? I mean I don't often ask people to become friend with me but it's not that weird right ? Right ?

"Yeah ! I mean we had a lot of fun encounters and I'm quite certain that it will be even better now...if you accept my friendship of course" I might be wrong but I saw his eyes getting wet "So Jude, do you want to be my friend ?" He finally nods and I let out a cheering whisper

The rest of the time we chatted, well it was essentially me telling him about the first days here until the clock ringed. Students got out and we eventually got scolded again but the teacher still gave us the papers for this day's lesson and he let us go. 

Jude and I parted ways as well, I'm quite satisfied with today and I hope I'll be able to get closer to him. He's too cute but he didn't know what it meant to accept my friendship hehe. I will just tease him a bit I promise, I have a good feeling about him weirdly..


Making new friends is not easy. Even if you're getting older don't think that it's too late to befriend someone. We don't have to stick to our childhood friends only because you will always meet new people as time goes by so be open and be careful of course to who you let enter in your life.

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