C H A P T E R - 7

26 0 0

POV Jude

Usually my evenings are filled with study, watching movies, cooking and playing games. All on my own. 

Can someone explain to me how I came to share my space with this goddess ?? 

Nerissa was still standing there when I finally pop out of my maze and let her enter, she came with a bag of snacks and put them on my small couch. I hope it doesn't look bad, my room is not decorated because I'm not good at that. Only a few items here and there. "It's nice and clean, I would have expected something else from a guy" she says eyeing my switch placed on the shelf under the television. 

I don't even know how to act around her especially now that she's at my place. 

"So...This is how your little flat looks like. It's as I imagined it: clean, organized and simple. Jude coded." She's roaming around the room, I'm getting more nervous as time goes by... Is she saying that it looks bland ?

"I won't bite you" I flinched and stepped closer. "I just...Well..I'm not used to this"

"Used to have a girl in your room ?"

"Hm..yes.." I sit down and she mirrors me

"Jude, can I ask you something ?" I nod. "Will you let me be your friend ?" 

Friends ? With me ? Did she mean it for real ? Why would she want to be my friend ? She might want to make fun of me or maybe she's pitying me. "Before you start making weird scenarios in your mind let me be straight, I want to be your friend because it's fun to be around you. Nothing more nothing less however you can reject me I would understand. She's looking straight into my eyes, she's being serious. I'm not sure if I trust her fully yet but I want to try it. 

"I want to be your friend too" 

Again she gives me the most charming smile I've ever seen, the way her whole face lights up is beautiful. I didn't know how to react so I switched the conversation to what we're gonna watch. We sat down and displayed all the snacks and food on the table and we chose a movie to watch together. She chose Anastasia, I watched it when I was a child so it feels nostalgic.

"The songs are so good in this movie" 

She ends up singing every single song while I watch her amazed by that and it felt nice to be in company of someone, it seems so easy for her to make friends and befriended anyone so why would she want to be with me ?

I don't let any of these concerns burden my time with her, it has become precious to me over time. The movie continues and except for her karaoke moments and some comments on both side the movie ended pretty quickly. That's when I realized I might have stared at her most of the time. She didn't notice right ? What if she thinks that I'm a creep ?

The screen is pitch black and the room as well since I closed curtains. Weirdly I can feel as if the mood...had shifted. She turns and look straight into my eyes but this I don't look away. Why does it feel like she's eating me alive ? 

We stay like this watching each other, it's the first time I take my time to properly  focus on the details of her face, the mole she has under her eyes, her long lashes, the shape of her lips and her  cute nose. I can feel her eyes roaming on my face the same I do to hers when they finally lands on mine and I can sense in them something. 

Nerissa's eyes are always speaking a lot more than her mouth even if she's talkative so it must what attracts people to her..what attracts me to her..

She's daring me to do something...Should I ?..I don't know how much time I'll be able to resist especially while looking at me like that

Damn it.

My trembling hand comes next to her face slowly and my tension disappears when I finally cup her face. She leans in and I can feel her soft hairs through my fingers. They smell good, I bet my cushions will have Nerissa's scent. How can someone be this pretty ? She opens her eyes and my breathe is caught in my throat. What is she doing to me ?

My head is spinning and I just want to feel her lips...at least once..

Before I can go any longer my phone rings and I jumped to a great distance before taking the call. It's Edward I try to take a normal voice while trying to calm my heart and my hot face.

"I'll clean up !" She tells while picking up plates and bottles from the coffee table and run to the kitchen part to wash the dishes. I didn't have time to stop her she had her hands in water already.

"Wait ! Nerissa ! You really don't have to.." she stops and looks at me grinning

On the other side I can hear Edward say "You're with Nerissa ? Why the both of you are together ?"

"...Nothing. What would we even do together ??" he's silent for a moment before replying "That's precisely what I asked Jude." and it's my turn to turn silent. He coughs before continuing about a project that we have to work on together and after 10 minutes Nerissa is coming back from the kitchen. 

"By the way, will you participate in the ball ? If not then-" I didn't have time to answer that my phone has been snatched away by her. "Hi Edward ! Nerissa here, I'm going to the ball with my friends and of course it includes Jude" she said by glancing at me.

Wait. I'm going to the ball ?? I wasn't aware of that !

"There will be, my two best friends, Jude and you...Yes you ! I'm not taking no as an answer !" He seems taken back as well, she continues "We will all hang out this tomorrow and I know you're free ! Jude will send you the details" 

She hung up and smiles at me "Sorry I wanted to invite you since yesterday, do you agree ?" How can I say no to you ? "Well...Yes..I agree".

After that she took her things and say bye to me before going back to her flat, everything felt like a dream because there's no way this shining girl wants to be my friend and to hang out with me...And there is what happened earlier before the call..

I feel like my life is gonna change.


One month later but Happy New Year 2024, I wish y'all a successful year and don't forget that we can always get out of our shitty life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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