C H A P T E R - 2

38 2 3

POV Jude

"Finally it's clean and fresh" I look at the window I just finished washing. I moved in since a week but I didn't have a chance to tidy everything properly. Now I can start the year properly. I passed the last week studying to first lessons we got online. Sure it wasn't necessary however I hate to be late.

I was waiting for starting college and get away from my house since a long time so I really hope everything will go smoothly. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was a bit insecure so I put my hood on my head. Looking at my face always reminds me of someone and pain attached to that person. 

School starts monday so today and tomorrow will be full chill days, i don't wanna be tired for the first day. I looked at my phone, it was late but I can't sleep now and I'm bored. I have a friend however he's busy with his own project so I shouldn't disturb him.

I couldn't stay trapped in this room so I decided to go out for a walk. It was already raining. Night view of this city is really nice, old buildings giving off as if time has stopped, especially on early mornings with the haze.

On the streets there are students mainly, still moving in at this time. I felt bad for them, they seem stressed and in need of help. I thought about helping them of course but what if they reject me. I squeeze my hood and walk quicker in one of the nearest alley.

Who would need me anyway, I've always been alone most of my time, I'm not an outcast but being invisible isn't the best feeling. Maybe it's my dark blond curly, neither brown or blond add to this my glasses and black hoodie of course no one would come close to me. I sight once more and walk trying to ease my mind.

That's when I heard it, the little splashed foot steps, burst of laughter from a sweet, bright and melodious voice singing and dancing under the rain. I was taken aback when she twirled on her and I had a glimpse of her face.

A girl, and a really pretty one at that. She was there moving her body, laughing and just enjoying herself. Jet black hair and clothes totally wet but here she was, not caring about that and enjoying herself to the fullest. Eyes glimmering, drops of rain on her looking like stars in her hair thanks to lights from the convenience store.

I wish I can be like her. She seems...free.

I was dazed and couldn't avert my eyes from her. It's the first time I see someone like her. 

"Marvelous.." I whispered. 

At that moment something unexpected happened. She stopped moving and looks straight at me. Her gaze was penetrating me. For a few seconds none of us moved, it happened so quickly I didn't notice her coming in front of me. Looking at me with a smirk that made my breath itches.

Is she even real ? Or maybe just a creature created by my mind. That's when I felt her hand gripping mine. There was no need for words, I knew that she just wants me to join her on the stage. Which is actually dancing under the rain however to me it was like stepping outside of my dark bubble.

I didn't think twice before following her lead. I mean, did I even have a choice ? Back to her spot, the song started again and here I was dancing with a pretty stranger in the middle of the night, in front of some snack store. I was letting all my stress go for the first time in a while. I don't mind being soppy or getting cold, at least not now.

Making the girl swirl on her and listening to her voice singing along with Rihanna's I smelled a faint smell of cherry. Maybe it came from her hairs or her perfume I can't distinguish.

I wondered if someone could see us, maybe the cashier is looking at us hesitation between calling the cops or an ambulance. I might need one because I feel like my heart is gonna burst from all the adrenaline.

The song was coming to an end and I never wanted this to stop. Even if it's a dream I just for this one to keep going. Just a little bit longer.

The song was slowly fading in the background. We were breathless looking at each other. Fortunately I took of my glasses before or they would have been crushed on the floor already.

She grinned and said "What a perfect dance partner you are." I just stood her not knowing what to say. "Are you a student as well ?" she asked and I finally nodded. She chuckled. No way I'm humiliating myself now. 

She goes back to take her stuff from the bench and make a reverence in front of me telling me with an over formal voice "Thanks handsome stranger for this exciting midnight experience"

I laughed and said my first words with the same tone "It was my pleasure my Lady"

A last smile and she was gone. Will I see her again ? She might be a college student as well if she asked me that. I decided to buy instant noodles from the store and went back to my room


I watched the time on my phone, it flashed 3AM. My sleep was long gone. I was still replaying the scene from the other day. My hand was still burning from us holding hands. I kept praying that night to see her again and finally fell asleep.

Eddy was already waiting for me in front of the class, he's a guy I met when I was moving in, can I consider him as a friend ? I'm not sure yet. He has a personality that can be quite stressful. He's standing next to the vending machine with a serious glare. "Come on Jude, we will be late !" he says.

The first day was essentially just bunch of informations about the university and lessons. A lot of rules too and they showed us a map of the campus. It's an old place therefore the oldest buildings are prohibited from entering. It was far from the main buildings and library. However it must be a nice place to take pics. Gothic architecture and many gargoyles, for an autumn session it will fit. I like photography, I started it out of boredom and now I love it.

After a whole afternoon of a tiresome speech, we could finally escape this torture. Half of the students have fallen asleep, thankfully we don't have him as a teacher. The only one who stayed awake was Eddy, he took notes of everything even when the teacher was talking about his last holidays in Honduras.

We decided to meet up for dinner at the cafeteria, the common kitchen have been renovated yet the cafeteria/canteen is still like in old times. Wooden furnitures, candles and huge roof. I think the director wanted to keep the spirit of the old boarding school. 

This place used to be one for high school almost hundred year ago. It sometimes have a creepy atmosphere due to the lack of light in some areas.

I enter the huge place, take the different dishes and goes to the table where Eddy is waving from. Always dressed with shirt sleeves, sweater and bow tie. He looks like one of those rich son who would call his father "papa".

"This place is huge, I almost got lost" I said to him while sitting. There was a really nice smell in the air. "Damn, tell me about it, I had a hard time memorizing the school map yesterday" he says while eating beetroots.

"Why did you do that ? We will eventually get used to this place over the weeks you know" 

"Think about it Jude, what would happen if I'm on time for class but I got lost like you earlier ? Then I'll be late and that's not good for my record" he points his fork at me

I laughed but was cut by the sensation of something wet on my head. I'm frozen. Eddy have a terrible expression on his face but again this sweet smell mixed to tomatoes and meat. I touched my shoulder.

I had lasagnas all over my head.


Who dares to waste lasagnas ? You'll know that in the next chapter haha ! It's the first pov of Jude , Nerissa will be more present but time to time you'll see what's going on in Jude's mind !

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