chapter four - my gaydar is never wrong

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"I don't think that's healthy."

"What? Can't a man enjoy some Gatorade and cinnamon rolls every morning for breakfast?"

"That is also unhealthy—no wonder why you had kidney stones—but I was talking about Leo and his ex-girlfriend."

"It's not unhealthy, you're just jealous that my body can handle that much sweet, sweet sugar."

"I don't think "handle" is the right phrase."

Nate sighed as he lay upside down on the couch of Vincent's family room, listening in on yet another argument between Zivia and Vinnie. Zi, Nate's lesbian ex-girlfriend, was a punchy girl with a protective attitude and love for everyone. She had never let them down once and they all knew she wouldn't. Everyone loved her; she was kind and caring and had the most beautiful green eyes and dark brown shaggy hair. Her septum was pierced and her body was littered with tattoos, which always made people interested in her.

"Okay, whatever," Vinnie surrendered, stretching his back as he lay on the soft, gray carpet. "Leo, can you explain the situation at hand? I was zoning out in full transparency."

Leo shook his head, rubbing his eyes with tension in his body as his head rested on Amiel's shoulder beside Nate. Leo, who was having romantic issues, was one of the group members that Nate wasn't super close with. He could be a bit standoffish and occasionally became distant for seemingly no reason and Nate was too sensitive and anxious to deal with that all the time, so he didn't let himself get too attached. Leo lived alone and never made plans with anyone besides Vincent, but he tagged along anytime someone else did. No one knew why, but after high school, his efforts began to diminish. It was strange, but seemed natural enough that they didn't question it. Overall, at the end of the day, he was a nice and fun guy. Just a little strange.

"Okay, so, Thalia," he began, referencing his latest ex-girlfriend of 6 months. "We had that fight, well she yelled at me for a good half hour and told me everything that I was doing wrong and said that she does everything for me. It feels unfair though because all of the things she was shitting on me about she also does. I just love her so much though, and she's so rad and I don't want to let her go."

Nate sighed deeply. He knew how he felt about the topic. Zivia, Vinnie, and Amiel knew how they all felt about the topic. The hard part was telling Leo.

"Leo..." Amiel began gently. "We love you like a brother, you know this, and maybe we're biased, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that Thalia is a toxic person. I mean, how many times has she lashed out on you and made you feel like total shit?"

"Many times," Leo grumbled.

"I see you and Thalia's relationship and I know ya love her, but she is bad news my man. Bad. News," Vinnie interjected.

"I agree, I just want to see you thrive and be happy. Being in love can be painful sometimes, but it's painful all the time with Thalia. It's not fair to you, not at all," Zivia added.

Leo nodded gently, taking in all their words. There was a silence—everyone not wanting to overstep the advice chain.

"Nate? Do you have any wise words?" Leo asked, feeling utterly defeated.

"Well," Nate began, choosing his next words as carefully as he could. "I think that it's very obvious that you and her are on a different level. She seems to be stuck in being a teenager; she takes no blame and is oblivious to her own actions and the effects that they have. She definitely has some work to do, and it's unfair to make you wait around when she constantly shits on you. It's not healthy for either of you."

"Yeah, what Nate said," Vinnie replied, earning a soft chuckle from the others.

"Thank you guys," Leo concluded with a sad smile. "I think I'm going to break up with her tomorrow—officially. It's gonna suck but I know it's probably going to be for the best."

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