chapter fourteen - hypotheticals

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Nate sat on the carpet by the front door—allowing Luna to chase a piece of ribbon he gripped in his hand. His heart beat faster every time he realized another minute had passed. The blockage in his throat grew as he imagined trying to speak to the man who was picking him up soon: Theodore.

"Hanging out with a friend?" his mother asked, causing him to jump out of surprise as she entered the room.

"Yeah," he smiled wearily.

Alice let out a dramatic sigh before she plopped herself down on the floor next to her son, propping her chin up on the palm of her hand. Nate could tell that she was about to kindly interrogate him about was wrong. He hated how little she needed to see to know he wasn't well.

"Mom," he began as he tapped his fingers on his cane. "Hypothetically, how do you know if someone likes you? And hypothetically, what does it mean if they say they don't like anyone but how they act kind of says the opposite?"

A thick silence filled the air, and Nate had already begun to worry that he revealed too much.

"I don't think there's one true answer," she replied. "I wish I could give it to you, but I can't. Hypothetically, does this person like the other person?"

Nate gulped. "Hypothetically, yes. Yes they do."

"Then I suggest that the person in question—hypothetically, of course—either give space or make a move. Either way, they get to see how the other person reacts. If they are worried that their crush is leading them on then I think it's important to ask if that's even possible with the crush's personality. I mean, some people are really good about hiding the fact that they're self-centered, but most people aren't."

"What if they are just like that? Like, they flirt with their best friends sincerely?"

"Flirting sincerely is not something you do with someone you want to keep as just your friend, Nate."

He hummed in response as he thought about her words. She was right, and he couldn't be more frustrated and grateful that she was. With every bit of advice and information, the view on the whole Theodore situation got simultaneously more and less confusing. He felt like Theodore had shown interest in him, but was it true? He would like to believe they hadn't, but what if the people around him were lying to him to try and make him feel better? What if his lack in relationships that didn't involve an abusive girlfriend or a lesbian lead him to be clueless in the romantic world?

In the midst of his own thoughts, the familiar message sound called out the person he had been worried about. As his breath began to falter, he stood up and began to walk to the front door.

"Nate?" his mother called out as he was centimeters away from grabbing the handle.

He turned to her, biting the inside of his cheek to try and ground himself.

"Can you please tell the hypothetical person that their mom loves them and is here for anything if they need it?"

Warmth spread throughout Nate's body as he let out a genuine smile. "Yes mom, I will. I love you."

"I love you too sweetie. Have fun."

As she walked out of the room, he decided that he would face what was terrifying him most. Stepping outside, he immediately noticed how much warmer it was than the recent weather had been. It was windy enough to make it uncomfortable to exist outside, but luckily, he didn't feel as if he was going to get blown away in an instant. In the near distance, the sound of Miss Georgia could be heard. With a racing heart and shivers, Nate approached.

"Hi, Nate," Theodore spoke as soon as he entered the car.

Hearing his voice in person shocked Nate. It wasn't as if anything had changed, but Nate realized how much he had missed it. Theodore sounded like honey and rain if their auras could talk. It pulled Nate in every time.

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