chapter twelve - dreaded words

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Nate paced in his room in utter anticipation. Theodore was ready to pick him up any minute for the concert, and Nate's mind couldn't stop racing. There were so many factors at play; Would the crowd be too overwhelming? Would it cause him to have a panic attack? Would Theodore's other friends be there? Could this be an opportunity for Nate to make a move? If so, what would he do? Hold his hand? His arm?

He tried to stop the thoughts but they kept coming. They swirled around in his mind as he wiped his clammy hands on the green and white striped collared shirt he had decided to wear. His black jeans and green converse complimented them perfectly, and he was glad that he was able to come to a solid conclusion about his outfit after help from Zivia and the twins.

The worries halted when his phone read off an arrival message from Theodore, and he grabbed his black corduroy jacket along with his other essential items before walking out of his room.

"By guys! I don't know when, but I'll be back later tonight! Love you!" he called out as he passed his parents.

"Have fun at the concert sweetie!" his responded.

"Love you Nate!" his dad added.

He smiled as he opened the front door with shaky hands. He naturally found Miss Georgia by the sound of her exhausts, and he slid into the car, trying to take breaths.

"Wow, you look-" Theodore began. "You look great."

Nate blushed. "Thank you. I'm sure you look great too."

"Thank you, Nate."

There was a silence, and Nate was having a hard time deciphering what was happening. Was the compliment flirtatious?

"Alright, um, you want Mexican food? I would kill for a burrito at the moment," Theodore spoke, breaking the quiet.

"Absolutely," the other man smiled as they moved onto the road.

"Are you excited?" the driver asked.

"Yes, absolutely," Nate responded, his stomach turning.

He felt conflicted about what to say next. He knew that he needed to voice his troubles with crowds amongst other things, but it was hard. Part of him felt as if it was childish to feel how he did—but he truly couldn't help it.

"I, um, can we-" he tried to spit out. "Is it okay if we're kind of on the outside of people? At the concert, I mean."

"Yeah, of course," he replied, his tone mildly confused.

"It's just... I have sensory problems, and being really crowded along with the noise is just a lot for me," he replied, his breath stuttering as he spoke.

"I totally get that, you don't have to explain it at all," he soothed. "My brother, Justin, is autistic, so I feel like I understand the sensory issues thing pretty well."

Nate smiled. "Oh, cool!"

"Yeah, it is pretty cool. I love that kid more than anything. It's crazy to me how fast he's grown up. It feels that not that long ago I was taking him to kindergarten and now he's about to turn 12."

"I totally understand. I feel like my brother and sister were just babies yesterday," he smiled.

"It's insane. Having younger siblings is such a trip," Theodore sighed. "Can I ask you something? About your sensory issues?"

"What's up?"

"Does it, like, stem from you being blind or is it something totally separate?"

"Both?" he questioned. "I don't really know. It's hard to tell what is caused by me being blind and what is just me and my own anxiety or genetics. It could be genetics. I'm extremely genetically fucked up."

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