chapter eight - he's hot

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The famous quintuple sat amongst Vincent's family room couch, the rain continuing to pour just as it had been for the past month. Zivia sat in the middle of the brown piece of furniture–zoning out on the video game that was in front of her while she played with a fidget toy Vinnie's siblings had given her before they left to go to a school event with their parents. To her left sat Leo and to her right was Vinnie, both of them in a hypnotic trance as they tried to destroy each other in Super Smash Bros. Nate sat in the corner of the couch as he usually did, having a conversation with Amiel while simultaneous talking and laughing with the others.

"You are gonna regret being born mother fucker," Vinnie snorted at Leo.

"Seriously? Real mature," Leo replied.

Just like that–as Vincent was about to win–Leo smacked the controller out of his hand with his foot.

"Dude! Can you not put your foot near my face? I'm hardcore fidgeting right now!" Zivia yelled.

"I have more important things to do Zi, obviously."

"You guys act like 13-year-olds," she exclaimed before throwing the fidget toy on the ground and purposefully kicking Leo.

"When did you become such a little-"

"Guys, guys! Enough fighting!" Amiel yelled, Nate chuckling beside him.

"Yeah! Stop fighting with him Zi," Vincent began. "THAT'S MY JOB."

Much to no one's surprise, Vinnie started to smack Leo repeatedly with a copy of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" that was lying on the floor. Zivia–being caught in the middle of the mess–scooted over to the left, her eyes rolling. Nate could feel them bashing upon each other on the couch and he couldn't help but shake his head. Amiel tried to break them up three separate times, but it was no use. The two play-fought like nobody's business. They would never actually fight; they loved each other too much–this was just for fun. Well, fun for them at least.

"You know, I wonder if they'll be like this when they're older," Nate said to Amiel over the screaming and shouting of the two boys.

"What? Hitting each other with a children's book over a videogame?" Amiel laughed. "Definitely."

Nate began to picture it: Vinnie and Leo at 60 years old doing just that.

"Speaking of books..." Amiel replied with a sly tone. "How is he?"

Oh no, Nate thought. "What do you mean?"

"Oh yeah, how is Theodore?" Zivia wiggled her eyebrows.

The mention of the man's name seemed to stop Vincent and Leo, who looked over at Nate with a sense of curiosity.

"I mean, we've hung out a couple times. I guess that's something..."

Nate tried his hardest not to smile in that moment. Him and Theodore had hung out four times to be exact; first was the water tower; second was the walk; third was going to the water tower again; and fourth was going on a walk again. While they did the same two things, Nate loved it. He couldn't care less if that was all they did for the rest of their lives.

"So that's why we haven't been seeing you much," Vinnie said. "You've been with your man-crush."

Nate huffed. "I know, I'm sorry, I just-"

"I'm joking doofus. Seriously, I'm happy for you. You deserve this."

"Have you gotten close with him?" Zivia questioned.

"A bit?" Nate squeaked. "We kind of talk about, like, personal stuff a little. He's done it more so, but I'm just bad at opening up."

"What? You? You don't say," Zivia replied sarcastically.

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