chapter nine - fuzz

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"Genuinely, so attractive," Amiel replied.

"He might even make me turn gay," Leo added on, not thinking about his comment before it escaped his mouth. "Sorry, that was out of pocket. I meant that he is one fine man."

Nate chewed on the inside of his cheek as a smile began to form. "Really?"

"Yes!" they all whisper-shouted.

"What..." Nate began. "What does he look like? I've never asked him to describe himself–thought that'd be weird."

While Nate couldn't actually visualize Theodore's features, he knew that certain characteristics usually paired with a certain vibe towards them. It was hard for him to explain it to sighted individuals, but it made sense in his head. It was all about association.

"Okay," Amiel began. "He's the same height as you, maybe a bit taller. He has a longer buzzcut that has an old bleach job, but you can still see his natural brown hair color. He has his ears and nose pierced with silver hoops for all of them. He's wearing some rings with an old friendship bracelet. His eyes are green, kind of like that button up you have with the embossed stripes. Umm... He's wearing an oversized A Tribe Called Quest shirt that is obviously vintage, with some tan corduroy pants that look extremely comfortable to wear and touch, and some Nike skate shoes I wanna say...?"

Nate nodded. "Yeah, he skates."

"This guy is fucking rad. If I saw him out and about, I'd be so intimidated. He looks so unbelievably cool," Leo replied.

"Agreed," Zi stated. "He also has the biggest and brightest smile ever."

"I can hear it in his voice when he talks sometimes," Nate blushed.

"OOO! You know who he looks like?" Amiel exclaimed. "Dominic Fike mixed with Omar Apollo."

"Oh my god you are SO right," Zivia replied.

"Um guys, I don't really know what that means-"

"Basically: he's hot as fuck."

As soon as Amiel made that last statement, Theodore and Vinnie were heard shuffling up the stairs, talking about something having to do with sloths. The other four shuffled around in their seats, trying to make it seem like they were not just having a gossip session about Theodore's looks.

"...And it doesn't make any sense, like, how did that little guy get so far into the ocean?"

"I know right!"

The boys' hands were full of snacks, and they began to set bowls and plates of food onto the glass coffee table. Vincent had also grabbed everyone a drink; Zivia kombucha; Amiel coconut water; Leo diet coke; Nate lemonade; and himself and Theodore a Yerba Matte. Theodore found his rightful place next to Nate, and the brown-haired boy gave him a smile, to which the other replied with a soft nudge of reciprocity.

"O' greatest Nate, will you please hold out your hand?" Vincent asked in a dramatized voice.

Nate chuckled, placing his open palm in the general direction of Vinnie's voice. Soon enough, he felt a handful of sour gummy worms fall. They were one of his favorite foods.

He relaxed back into the couch corner, folding up his knees so that his feet were on the edge of the couch.

"I love your socks," Theodore spoke to Nate, turning his head in the boy's direction after taking note of them.

Nate quickly finished chewing the delicious gummy worm that was in his mouth. "Thank you! I got them at the aquarium, I love sea anemone."

"I've actually seen them."

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