facetiming (akito shinonome)

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akito shinonome

FACETIMING, have a face-to-face conversation with (someone) over the internet using the mobile app FaceTime.

FACETIMING, have a face-to-face conversation with (someone) over the internet using the mobile app FaceTime

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"thank you for the dinner mum!" you said to your mum and headed upstairs to your room to study. once you reached your room, you closed the door gently and immediately went to your desk to study. you opened your laptop, took out all revision materials from your bag and of course stationary and went full on study mode.

about an hour in, you managed to finish revising history and decided to take a break. you took out your phone and saw 2 missed video calls from your boyfriend, akito. well you couldn't receive them since you put your phone on do not disturb mode. you decided to call him back to tell him the reason why you didn't pick up the call.

"oi why didn't you answer my calls?" you flipped the camera to your desk and showed him what you have been doing "ive been studying dumbass, the exams are literally next week. how bout you" he was silent for awhile. "i mean i have been studying and toya has been helping me but i still can't get some equations right, anyways looks like your busy studying i shouldn't be disturbi-" you cut him off saying "no no its fine! stay, i like hearing your voice while i study or just your voice in particular..."

"ha, cute" he replied with a soft smile. "at the same time i probably can help you with some revision"

you placed your phone in front of you and made sure that akito could see your face and your desk. times like these are always cherished since akito is usually spending his days practicing, to work towards his dream. you barely could hang out with him after school. of course akito tries his best to give you as much attention as he can by calling you at night, going out during the weekends, walk you to school and hanging out after school or during school hours but you often had to go out with your family during the weekends and of course the homework given by teachers had to be done first so you both could barely see each other physically

you both kept talking and talking until a female voice was heard from akito's side. "akito! do you have any dirty laundry? mum wants all of them in the washing machine now" you heard the voice and the door slamming hard. akito rolled his eyes in annoyance

"ena how many times must i say stop slamming my door" akito said. he didn't like his sister's presence but nonetheless the two siblings cared for each other which you found cute. "hmm? ena?" you guessed. "oh! y/n!"ena ran over to akito's bed pushing him to the side and grabbing his phone.

"oi, that's my phone give it back" he said while trying to grab it out of ena's reach but ena was fast enough and raised her hand up. it started becoming a sibling physical fight. ena struggled coming up with a conversation with you due to her brother's continuous attacks of trying to retrieve his phone back

from your pov, the camera showed ena's face for a second and then back to spinning of the phone and the shouting of the two siblings. you stifled a laugh hearing their bickering and fight and the said, "alright, stop fighting guys" they both listened to you and stopped. ena put the camera facing her and a small akito in the back clearly mad and crossing his arms.

"ena i wish to spend the time now with akito, we can hang out next time just text me ya?" you said hoping she would give akito his phone back. ena sighed and said, "sure, goodnight y/n! make sure this dumbass studies" and with that she left and this time closed the door in a normal manner.

akito sighed in exhaustion. "sorry about that" he said feeling bad. "its fine" you reassured him.

"four bracket four x plus..." you mumbled to yourself and tapped your pen against your chin. you immediately solved the equation and wrote it down. akito was staring at you studying but you didn't noticed.

"hey tomorrow do you want to meet up after school? uhh and go to the mall?" akito asked. you were surprised by this sudden request. "but don't you have practice tomorrow?" you asked confused. "nah kohane had requested to take more breaks for now cause the exams are coming, its was reasonable and i thought it was a good idea too so i agreed, so why not we take the breaks to go on dates together?" he asked.

"oh! well that's just perfect we can finally hang out!" you said with sparkles glittering in your eyes. as stated before, you could barely hang out with akito so this was indeed an opportunity that you could not miss. although at your end you were on cloud nine but akito was the opposite, he felt bad, he knew. he knew that deep inside you always wanted to hang out like how normal couples would. although the break now was meant for the members of vivid bad squad to study for their upcoming examination he took this time to spend it with you.

you kept stating the different places you would like to visit together. you were overjoyed. "y/n, im sorry..." akito said suddenly which turned the current mood upside down. you were confused. "sorry about wha-" "im sorry for not being able to take you out on dates that often like how any couple would, im sorry that my practices gets in the way. i hope to take this time and spend it with you." he apologised to you sincerely. "akito...you shouldn't be sorry, yes i do want to hang out with you after school more often and during the weekends but if working towards your dream makes you happy it makes me happy too. plus i know this break is supposed to be for you guys to study so why not we make it study dates?" you asked in a soft manner. "y/n. thank you and sure we shall do exactly what you said" akito said now looking more positive and relieved. you laughed softly.

"oh would you look at the time, its already 10:30pm i think i should stop." you looked over to your phone and saw a sleeping akito. you eyes softened and you were screaming internally "how cute" you took a few screenshots of the current image behold you and immediately made it your lock screen wallpaper.

you rested your head on the table and looked at the screen while yours eyes slowly started closing and off you went to dreamland.

the next morning, akito woke up with his hair in a mess. his phone was burning hot, he left it on the whole night. "jeez now i have to bring it to school with a power bank" he looked at his phone and saw a sleeping y/n. he felt like he had ascended to heaven, looking at your beautiful face. he did the same thing as you last night and took a screenshot and made it his lock screen wallpaper. he hung up the call and texted you, "see u later"

you woke up from sleep and quickly got ready for school. you saw akito standing at your doorstep waiting for you

 you saw akito standing at your doorstep waiting for you

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"morning akito" you said and he said the same in return.

while walking to school you both were looking at your phones and suddenly you both spotted each other's new lock screen wallpaper. you both blushed and the walk was quiet all the way. now you both have special matching wallpapers.


author's notes:
i didn't know how to continue after the ena part of the story so im sorry if this story is bad again but i think its better than my first one 😀👍

-19 November 2022

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