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Heyyyy Wattpad 🥺
Okay this is my first time in a lotta things
1. Writing teen fiction more precisely, Nigerian

2. Doing a 'meet my characters'
Okay so this is gonna be funny

The pictures used are not mine BUT the story is 100% mine so if you copy my work without my approval 😗 I will gouge your eyeballs out with a blunt toothpick

I'd like to shout out to everyone who supported me throughout my writing journey, from inception till completion, I couldn't have done it without y'all
Thanks to all those that knew I was writing before I started posting Zekyjeks thanks for telling me to put my work out there FavourMedahunsi thanks for all the adverts and artworks muah 😘

I already have the entire plot for the story all laid out so there will be as few as possible filler chapters, open your mind to plot twists and unexpected turn outs. There will be a lot of gasps in shock and cliffhangers, stick till the end you will not regret it one bit

This is NOT a romance story. There will be ships here and there and cute boy-girl combos but it's more about FRIENDSHIP than RELATIONSHIPS
I'd love to meet y'all so drop comments on any part of the book you want to and I'll be replying 😼
Now Lesgooo

PS: I won't be using much native language for the love of foreign readers, just some pidgin and lil chips of other languages muahhh😘

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