Chapter 15- Tests

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Over 500 reads and 270 votes thank y'all so much for the show of love and support. Transparent currently ranks number one in #teenlife praise the lord somebody. I'd have dedicated this chapter to some people by tagging their accounts but my laptop doesn't allow me tag accounts. So dedicated to my new readers who have been faithful in voting, thanks so much. Dedicated to treasure for the commentssss; the show of love motivates me. Dive in, I declare this part OPENNNNN


(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

"Think carefully before answering any question, they are all what we were taught this term there will be nothing out of the ordinary that we have not revised" Toke says as we stand by her locker

I take a deep breath out as I stare at the page of my physics jotter we were revising. I feel a strong grip on my shoulder causing me to look up

"If you fail, don't bother showing your face here again, ever" I gulp then she releases my shoulder gently "but you won't fail when I've put this much effort in you right?" she gives a forced smile daring me to disagree

"I'll try" I lick my dry lips in nervousness

She dips her hand in her locker and brings out a small lip balm

"Take before the harmattan dries you up" she hands it over giving me a once over at the same time "You look okay, but you look terrible when you panic, don't panic unless you'll fail before you even begin" she bangs her locker shut and we both walk to our different classes

"Hey Trip" I stop in my tracks to look at her "Good luck, you can do this"

I smile as I walk into my class with a newly found confidence, suddenly feeling like I can climb up Everest and swim through the Pacific. I walk into the class ignoring the whispers coming from Amaka and sidekick, walking straight to my seat. Erling is seated on my desk with his brows furrowed intently on his notebook, he looks so focused that I don't want to disrupt his concentration but oh well. I clear my throat to catch his attention. He raises an eyebrow without looking up as if to say; 'state your business'

"You're on my desk" I say with distaste rolling off my tongue

He doesn't look up still

"Use mine" he flips to the next page of his book

"No, get up from my desk" I bang my hand on the desk beside me, instantly regretting my action because of the crack sound I hear

"Better don't break those spaghettis in place of arms" he says with a grin. He appears to be enjoying this

I drop my notebook, grab his arm with two of my hands and drag him, he doesn't budge. I try again, this time using all the strength that the God of Amanda Aderinsola Akinde gave her, this boy doesn't budge still, he laughs instead

"What do you eat?" He asks with a mock expression

By now I am so furious I feel like pulling out every annoying twist on his head.

"Erling just get up from her desk" Edmond says from his side of the class

"Mind your business Thompson" his demeanor immediately turns cold as he spits at Eddy

I watch Eddy's expression as our gazes meet, he gives a tight smile then tears his gaze away. Erling notices our exchange, scoffs and gets up from my desk to his seat. At least Eddy's technique helped get poop face off my desk, I wonder why he turned so cold though. I can bet my liver that this boy is bipolar.

The teacher walks into our class with sheets of answer scripts and question papers. Students scamper to their seats and keep their books away, each person taking a final peek at their books before they drop them. I keep my notebook in my bag, take it to the front of the class then take a deep breath on my seat. You can do this Amanda

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