Chapter 20- I just might ace them

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Hiiii👋there have been no mid-week updates or double updates because my schedule last
week was really tight 😭😭 Abuja wan use stress kee me. Anyhooss read, vote, comment and share guys I declare this part OPENNNN


(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

As I walk into my classroom with my notebook, jotter and writing materials, I feel a large arm wrap my shoulder from behind, the other arm ruffling my hair it can only be one person

"I put a lot of effort into this hair now what's your issue" I roll my eyes playfully

"Good morning to you too M'lady" Eddy says with a grin

We walk into the class with his arm still slung over my shoulder

"So are you ready for today? It's four and a half hours of madness" he turns the chair in front of my seat around so he can seat facing me

"There's thirty minutes break after the first 2½ hours shey?"

"Yep, that's lunch break so people don't collapse during the exam" he chuckles lightly

"Oh God, I'm so scared" I let out a breath

"Don't be, you prepared over the weekend right?"

"Yes, but I still have some formulas I need to go over" I tap my desk in panic

He places his palm on my vibrating hand then squeezes lightly

"You'll be okay, most of them are in the four figure table so we can just go over those that are not there right now" he gives a reassuring smile

My hand stiffens at the sudden contact making my heartbeat go a hundred times faster, his palms are so warm! Amanda you're supposed to be thinking about mathematics oh

"Uh-okay, I have them written down" I say in a shaky breath

He takes his hand off mine casually as if it was completely normal for that to happen. I feel a little heat rising up my cheeks so I break eye contact and shift my gaze to the other side of the class. I notice everyone is stuck on their books and calculators, then I remember that I'm here for business, I can't fail this subject.

30 minutes later

The bell for the mathematics exams rings from the hallway. Most people exclaim as they pick up their pace going through all the pages of their notebooks at once as if they can photograph them in their memories.

"It's time, don't panic just calm down and think properly before answering any question okay?" Eddy closes his own notes and stands up slowly

I nod my head at his statement and try to calm myself down. He pinches my right cheek

"You'll do well, if you don't remember any question's answer, write my name" he laughs as he walks away

Is this boy okay?! What kind of encouragement was that? Anyway I'm sure I can do this, I have studied and I have prayed that's all right?


"The devil is a liarrr" Nancy exclaims as we step into the cafeteria

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