Chapter 10- I do it cos it's my passion

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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely sister FortunesOmoniyi for reading and commenting on every single one of my chapters despite her super busy schedule. Love you baby muahh😘😘 and to FavourMedahunsi my number one watty fan 😂😂she never lets my chapter go cold before she reads it, love you wifey❤️❤️. Dedicated to all my readers 😫 y'all keep me going. I declare this part OPENNNN


Third Person's POV

The senior members of the swim team are in two separate lines based on their gender clad in the customized jackets they all had as the principal addresses them regarding their new coach; a man who stands tall among them with eyes that look like he is anything but pleased to be standing in front of his newly found crowd. The students whisper among each other and some give squeals evincing their excitements about a change of leadership air

"I would like to introduce you all to your new swim Coach Mr Ubong. He's as experienced as he is disciplined and any misbehaviour by any one of you-"

She zeroes her eyes on the female swim captain Adetoke directing her next words to her

"-will be directly reported to me and I won't hesitate to punish ANY one of you" she emphasizes on the 'any'

Their rendezvous is interrupted by a swim team member running into the venue. All eyes turn to her as she pants, they wait for her to speak. She bows awkwardly aware of the attention she's gathered. She scampers behind one of her teammates

"Oh Amanda I was wondering when you'd join us"

Amanda apologizes briefly with her eyes before the principal goes on with what she's saying

"At this point I'll leave the rest to your coach" she gives a tight smile to the crowd before turning to give the coach a wider smile as she walks off

The coach looks around as everyone holds their breaths. He stares as if trying to peer into their souls by seeing right through their body. After what seems like a visual X-ray scan he finally speaks

"Which one of you is the male swim captain"

The crowd starts to murmur, Toke starts to look at her nails like she just got it done. The coach notices this

"You! Aren't you the female swim captain? Where's your other?"

"He's probably bailing on us like always" she says without looking up from her nails

The coach stretches his neck further till it rests on Amanda. He takes a scrutinizing gaze at her then calls her forward

"You, late comer come forward"

Amanda looks beside her praying he is addressing someone else till she looks up and meets his fiery glare. She wobbles forward, intentionally wasting time walking through the cohort of students. She walks forward with her head bowed lightly not liking being the centre of attention

"Why were you late?" He asks the timid student

"Look at me when I'm talking to you" he demands coolly

Amanda looks up to the new coach's eyes trying not to shiver in fright

"My teacher didn't leave the class early sir" she finally makes out

"Are you the only one from your class that is here?"

Amanda looks around briefly and suddenly a newly found bravery enters her

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