Chapter 28- No more therapy

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Welcome to a new chapter, my update 2/3. As y'all know I embarked on a journey at the beginning of the week to give three updates this week and I must say; the journey is still on. Dedicated to all my followers, I love you all 😘. I declare this part OPENNNN


(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

"Good morning Amanda, how are you doing today?" Miss Bethany greets from behind her desk as I walk in

"Morning ma'am, I'm good" I respond to my therapist's greeting

"Take your seat, I've not seen you since last year and I must say you definitely added some flesh" she flashes a grin


My hands grasp the cushion back of the wooden chair and drag it across the tiled floors. I duck my head slightly offering a silent apology for causing a nuisance with the legs of the chair scraping the floor

"I saw your grades for last term I'm so proud of you" she offers an applause with the tip of her fingers

My cheeks heat up in slight embarrassment, I break the eye contact and shift my gaze to the plaque that holds her name and title instead

'Bethany Mbadiwe (Mrs)'

She's married? Probably a newly wed, she's probably like 24 or 25 max

"You're married?" I ask her

She blushes heavily as she plays with the little diamond rock on her finger, definitely newly wed

"Yes, since December last year" she lifts her left hand up to show me her ring

"Wow congratulations, the ring looks nice by the way" my gaze lingers on the glowing piece

I should have probably said more than 'by the way' I'm just a little uncomplimenty today, this shit is really getting old

"So how have you been sleeping?" She clasps her hands on the table

I do a mental eye roll- seriously? This again?

"I've been sleeping good" I give a straight reply

"Your doses?"

"I've not missed them"

"That's good, any panic attacks, hallucina-

"Let me stop you there" I shift closer to the desk, copying her position "this whole- play date thing doesn't make any sense"

"I'm not following" she says shaking her head slowly

"There was an accident, last year, my sister died" I swallow a lump in my throat "my family decided I needed therapy for God knows why"

"Okay.." she nods her head for me to continue, still not getting the point

"I guess it was useful at the beginning, considering I got medication and was just getting used to them but it's been over six months, THIS SHIT IS GETTING OLD" I state, raising my voice at the last part

"Amanda your parents got this-

"My parents got therapy for me so it could help, therapy isn't helping me heal it makes me relive the past over and over again" my voice breaks and I feel warm tears threatening to fall out

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