Chapter 11- Second impressions

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Dedicated to Atibioke3 olarindebusayo jemima_1111 IsraelAluko0 and all the rest of my new readers that have been voting and commenting 🥺 thank you so much guys y'all are the bests. My last update was when I was at a hundred and fourty something reads, 7 days later (which is now) I'm at over 300 😫😫I'm flabberwhelmed you guys thanks a lot.
I declare this part OPENNNN


Amanda's POV
(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

I hold my swim bag close to me as I walk out of the tailor's shop. I just collected my swimming gear which contains my trunk, goggles, towel, bathrobe and jacket that matches the whole squad's. I'm so happy to be an official member of Sheffield senior swim team!! Not totally an official member sha because the coach said we still have to do tryouts to pick our first ten, this Thursday.

I quicken my pace to get to class before the teacher, I heard the bell a minute ago and our chemistry teacher is not the best teacher at tolerating late students. As I pick up my pace again, my body comes in contact with someone else's, as hard as a rock.

"Oh my God I'm-" I start before seeing it's Erling, I hiss

"Do you close your eyes as you walk, you bumped into me and you don't even know how to apologize" he says while eyeing me

"I'd eat a bucket of sand before I ever apologize to you!" I spit then turn to walk away

He grabs my wrist returning me to my previous position

"What is it?" I snap angrily

"You stepped on my new shoes, clean them" he crosses his arms

I look at his pair of obviously new oxfords, they are shiny all over asides the fresh dusty shoe print made by my boots on the tip. I consider apologizing but then, it's Erling I'd rather swim across the Atlantic on a cold Monday morning

"You're even more stupid than you look" I leave him standing on the hallway with a priceless expression written on his face, perfect!


"It's less than two weeks to your tests and some of you are still running around like kangaroos" our chemistry teacher Mr Toronto spits at us

"Kangaroos don't run, they hop" Aidan says with a sardonic smile, earning a roar of laughter from the class

"Wow Mr Aniye since you have chosen to be so smart why don't you solve the question on the board" he squares his eyes at the student

"Yeah I would have, but there's no question on the board" he crosses his arms with his usual smirk playing on his lips

The class bursts into another fit of laughter at the teacher's horrified expression

"You didn't let me finish, I meant the question I'm about to write on the board" he opens his marker and spins to face the board

Muffled giggles travel around the class as the man tries to cook up a question from his brain. The whole class knows that this man is as good as useless without his lesson note, even when he had to prove equations he'd read it line by line in the textbook and pour it on the board telling us to read it ourselves because he couldn't explain. It is definitely a hilarious sight seeing him tremble in embarrassment

My eyes travel round the class and fall on Edmond, his face looks like it's about to burst as he tries to suppress his laughter. He hides his face behind his manual to calm his laughter, I've never seen him laugh so hard. Erling and Aidan on the other hand are signalling to each other from the two ends of the class obviously being entertained by Mr Toronto. The teacher starts to write an equation, he erases it many times leaving blue traces of ink on the board as he scratches his head. He finally turns back to the class

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