Chapter 33- It's Valentine's

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Welcome to a new chapter after over a week 😭 Most of you know I resumed school so schedule's been tight but for those that don't now you know
I'll try my best to continue with the updates weekly instead of twice or three times and by the grace of God we'll get there 🙃 stay tuned, Transparent is sticking till the end


(Edmond Ehizojie Thompson)

"A year ago I'd have said this was impossible" she leans into my arm

"What?" I ask unsure

"Us, the both of us, together" she stares squarely into my orbs

"Y-yeah me too" I slide an arm around her shoulders and press a kiss to the side of her head

There's no denying that i've felt something more that just 'friendship' for her for as long as i can remember, i guess it took my mum making a joke about it for me to realise what i actually felt for her. I basically saw every sign to go ahead and ask her out but i guess i just needed one person's opinion, Trip

She told me to go for it and I can't deny how relieved I was when I heard the words come out of her mouth, she seemed so sure of what she was saying like she was some expert, note to self, tell Trip how it went. I'm sure she already knows though, since the entire senior has somehow started giving us the googly eyes and giving dumb ship names like 'Edpn or 'Esmond' the idea is one hundred percent cringe but I low-key like Esmond

I shrug my blue sweatshirt on and adjust my tie in front of the mirror, tugging on the edges so they cover my sleeves fully. I flash a wide toothy grin at the mirror and the reflection of the silver braces make me cringe, causing me to reduce my grin to a closed mouthed smile. I take a lasting look at the faded sides of my afro and the little brown tint I have at the tips. Sheffield has rules against coloured hair- rules that can be bent for some- it's high time I exercised my 'VVIP privilege'

I pull back the silver knob of my room door and exit my half scattered room, reaching back to switch the lights off it gives the cleaners an element of surprise when they arrive. Two voices are coming from the west wing- where my parents' room is- one is the loud and obviously angered voice of my dad while the other is the almost quiet voice of my mum. I can tell their positions from the way their voices sound

My dad is probably standing at the edge of the bed while my mum is at a running distance right behind the door, that was a skill I taught her; always be ready to bolt. According to her she will never have a reason to because my dad is not a violent person- whatever her own definition of violent is- but since she still follows my 'ready to bolt' rule, she probably has the same fears that I do. One day she might have to

I take slow steps towards the West wing but retract with even faster ones- I don't think I can deal with them right now- I stay fixed in my position, having an internal battle whether to go ahead and pretend I can't hear anything or to proceed and listen to their conversation- which mighy earn me a beating later. Their voices are reduced to whispers- that didn't last long- and soon I hear my dad's deep voice mumble something and my mum's response with a sigh- she's probably settling for one of his shitty terms again

I walk even faster towards the stairs so before either of them steps out of their room, I'd be long gone. I jog down the endless flight of stairs as quietly as possible and take my left to the dining room. I push the double doors open and find the table already set for three.

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