Chapter 4- First impressions

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The school bell rings for the final class to start. I check my schedule to see I have a free period. Maybe I should just use this time to check out the swimming arena, let me know what Sheffield has to offer me. I walk out of the class only to bump into the same girl from earlier

"Hey Trip how are you doing, I was just coming to fetch you"

What was that her name again o

"Hey... Naomi?"

"Nancy, nana for short"

Nancy and Nana are basically the same number of syllables how is Nana the short version?

"Were you going somewhere?"

"Yeah the swimming pool, I don't even have an idea what direction it is"

"You swim?" She looks at me in amazement. I suddenly feel shy under her gaze. I shuffle my feet a little

"Yeah very well"

She smiles and nods slowly

"Then you should get along well with Toks" she locks our elbows as she pulls me along with her to the pool.

Well well well. Standard size of pool, check, aesthetics double check. This school put extra effort into their sporting arena because even the basketball court we passed on our way here was breath taking, plus Mr Curly hair was there practising.
Junior students make their way out of the pool and into the dressing rooms chattering quietly

"Flipping sophomores. Why the hell am I in charge of these skunks?" A tall girl with a whistle on her neck says pretty loudly to herself. I take in her appearance as she writes something on her clipboard. She was the girl staring me down at the hallway!
I'd recognize those long lashes anywhere. And damn she has an A list model figure that definitely screams queen bee everywhere she goes

"Hey junior, are you here for tryouts?" She cranes her neck slightly to get her stray braids out of her eye. I check behind me to see the person she is addressing. Strange, there's no one

"Hey! Bloody junior, did you not hear me?" She snaps her fingers

Ewo it's me she's talking to, is this girl high on molly?

"Are you in your right senses? Do I look like a junior to you?" Is what I would have said if I wasn't intimidated by this diva

I stay transfixed with my hands in my blazer pockets trying to figure out what to say to this girl

"I'm a 12th grader, a senior" I finally splutter

She rolls her eyes in frustration

"Oh you're the new student"
She gave me a once over with eyes that said 'nothing much to look at here'

"Welcome to Sheffield high" she tucks her clipboard under her arm and walks away without waiting for a reply

I take off my boots and socks and slip my feet into the warm water. Feeling the rhythm of the water against the sole of my feet I drift off slowly. I could stay here all day, no class, just me and water

"Hey where's your captain" a cool voice says

Why do people keep thinking I'm a junior, I'm not even that short! I'm average, the short average though since average literally starts at my height, 5 ft 5 ain't a joke my dears. I'll just ignore the person till he realizes he's mistaken me for someone else.

Quiet, he should be gone now. I peer my eye lids open to a 6 ft 1 silhouette staring at me. Holy! it's curly dude

"Hey it's you!" He exclaims

Sorry what was I supposed to say? Oh hey it's you too curly dude, do you use rollers for those curls or it's naturally natural? I give him a slow once over at his extremely white shirt, well knotted tie, tucked shirt, wait at the last period? Even as a new student I've taken off my shoes and loosened my tie a bit, choker much. He stretches his hand for a shake

"I'm Edmond, my friends call me Eddy, highschool basketball captain"

I stretch my hand to return the gesture

"Amanda, tripple A you can call me Trip. Captain of the new recruits ship"

I joke as I shake his hand firmly, does he really not get that joke? I'm definitely not explaining that. After what seemed like a millennium, he gives a hearty chuckle flashing his silver braces as he lets go of my hand to cover his mouth, huh? I thought girls did that

"You're funny"

"Really? I was beginning to feel you didn't have a sense of humor"

"Okay ouch" he put his palm on his chest as he fakes hurt

He pulls a plastic chair to sit beside me but not too close to the pool. I pull my legs to myself and wipe them with the hanky I had in my pockets so I can cross them without making my other parts wet

"So... You swim" he finally says after a few awkward moments of silence

"Weird that you already deduced that" I say giving him a questioning look

"Well I made my research I guess and as the sports prefect..."

"You know stalking is a crime punishable by the law right?" I guess I said that coming off a bit too serious.
His eyes widen as he stutters finding something to defend himself with

"Um.. er I promise I wasn't stalking you the principal was telling me something then we diverted then...

I burst out in intense laughter, like what in the name of Thor? I didn't know boys freaked out that way

"I was kidding! Your face was like"

I contort my face to look like his when he was horrified but a little exaggerated. He starts laughing too as I join him, he raises his palm up to his mouth as he laughs again. Does he always do that? Anyway it's his business who am I to wonder...

We talk for a while about ourselves. I tell him that I moved in from Lagos because my mum got a new job. That was a little true though, she opened her boutique when Ash died and we had to move. Apparently he's the school sports prefect and the female swim captain -aka the one that was overly rude to my important persona- is Adetoke, toks. He said the school has been best in swimming in both junior and senior categories for 3 years in a row. How splendid, can't wait to meet their coach. I bet he/she is a bomb

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Eiii Amanda doesn't know that there's not swim coach yet 😫😫lets pray they get one before she's crushed

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