|38| Defeating An Upper Moon

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━━━━━━ Defeating an upper moon ━━━━━━

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━━━━━━ Defeating an upper moon ━━━━━━

━━ Third Person

"Seems like that's going to leave a mark..." A voice announced totally towering over the young Tokito as she landed there on the ground unmoving.

You see, she was a wake but she just didn't want to get up. What was happening inside the young Tokito's head at that moment? How did she end up here? Was she dead? What had happened to to tweedle Dee and tweedle idiot demons she had been fighting?? Is Neji Okay?

"So, you going to lie down on the floor, forever? Honestly are you five?" The voice questioned making Muichiro have a tic mark on her forehead.

"Could you shut up? Just for a second would really do me a favor, I'm trying to think." Muichiro answered and closed her eyes trying to get back in thought.

Suddenly a huge gust of snow breeze wind came flying at her. As her hair billowed across her face, obstructing her view, young Tokito felt herself being propelled through the air before being abruptly caught by a mysterious, unfamiliar hand.

Muichiro slowly lifted her head to face the beast, she then raised her right hand and pushed her hair out of the way.

"Want to repeat that?" The beast questioned, but Muichiro didn't respond, all she did was look around her surroundings before looking down at her chopped left hand then beast with a questionable look.

"Oh.." Was all she said making the beast snicker at her cluelessness.

"With the abundant chakra I had stored for you, you could have easily regenerated your hand," stated the beast, raising its other hand. It delicately moved Muichiro's bangs aside with its large nails and pointed to the blue daismond on her forehead. "But no, you had to go off and use it when you didn't need it, such a show of."

He stated causing Muichiro to look up to where he was once pointing. She then raised her right hand and placed it on the top of her forehead, 'Well how was I supposed to know...' A red tick mark appeared at the back of her head.

"Well since you're that one who's been storing up my chakra, can't you just give me some of your chakra so I can get this stupid battle over with?" The next words coming out of her mother sounded more mocking than a question as she tilted her head to the side. "Or can't you? What type of beast are you, using my chakra as your own power sores, are you that weak? What taking you so long to just hand it over..."

The beast fell silent. Never in its long years of living has it ever wanted it through throwing a child especially one that came from the first breathers.

Suddenly the beats took a deep breath as its who body started glowing an icy blue along with Muichiro's. The young Tokito was just about to ask what he was doing when suddenly her whole world when black, her body went limp as her head rolled back and the pupils that were once in her eyes disappeared.

𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗬 𝗪𝗘 𝗞𝗡𝗢𝗪 | NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now