Chapter II

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Scarlett ^ after hearing that she is going to have eight step brothers.
(Are you a friends fan too?:!)

We three are currently seated in our kitchen island, Dad and Maria are waiting for me to start with my interrogations. Their words not mine.

"So how long has this been going on?" I gestured with my hands towards them.

Dad cleared his throat before speaking "4 months but we have known each other from a year or so."

"He was hired as my family's lawyer so we were around each other quite often." Maria added and winked at my dad afterwards. Ewww.

Ah that is why he has been going out of town so much from last 4 months.

"Ok..ay and what about your ex husband Maria...don't mind me but I am curious."

She took a deep breath while dad squeezed her hand.

"He left me 2 years ago when I caught him fuc..ahem cheating with a blond bimbo."

Dude I am 14 soon to be 15 you can swear in front of me!!

"Then he is a dick." I said with a poker face.

"Scarlett!!" Dad was looking at me like he can't believe that I even know these words and Maria was cackling like crazy.

"Oh god you are so precious darling and yes he is but I am glad he is not in our lives anymore."

"What about your children..if you have any?"

And here we go..

The question I have been dreading to ask.

They both looked at each other, uncertainty showing in their eyes.

"Yes I have...and they are going to love you honey. Oh we can go on family picnics and can watch late night movies all cuddled together. And man! they would have to look out for all boys to keep them away from you because Darling, you are beautiful. They are going to love having a baby sister with-"

"Wait..hold on a minute, what do you mean having a baby sister..please don't tell me they are all boys!!." I stopped her rambling with a hand, fearing for the worst.

Crossing my fingers tightly, I closed my eyes for a second.

No..anything but this..

"Sorry sweety but they all are boys, eight to be exact."


"What?" I shouted and guess what happened after that.

I fainted but my dad was quick to slid down his hand in front of me before my face could collide with the hard table.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in my bedroom while my dad was sitting in front of me looking deep in thought.

"Hey..what are you thinking so hard about old man." I sat up straight..

He fake glared at me before sighing and slumping down in his chair.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Sweety I don't know how to say this to you but your stepbrothers..they are very well known business men and they have dozens of enemies looking for one opportunity...and this marriage gave them a perfect timing to strike."

"Dad I don't get a single word you are saying, Elaborate more Please."

"They want us to move in with their house for our safety."

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