Chapter XXIV

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A sigh left my lips as I leaned comfortably back on the cushioned seats of my brother's car. A song in some foreign language was playing but it was oddly smoothing to my ears even though I couldn't understand a single line. Music is like this I guess, it needs no boundaries to express an emotion.

"Do they bully you letty?" Cesco asked cautiously while locking eyes with me through rearview mirror.

"Huh?" I was literally seconds away from dosing off so I couldn't gather what he said.

"Those girls I mean...or any other kid in school. Do they bully you?"

I huffed a laugh at his statement. He looked at me, confused at my odd response.

"Who would dare to bully me brother? Knowing that I am one of the 'Espesitos'. However that girl Hannah.. she likes to stir trouble so she is an exception but no one has done anything bad to me Cesco and I have made plenty of friends who can defend me and same goes for them. I'll always stay by their side if they need me."

Cesco ruffled my head from front seat while Victor gave no reaction as usual but when I saw his eyes through mirror, I swear I saw them wrinkle a bit from the corner.

We fell into a comfortable silence and a calm peace of mind. But unfortunately that was easily disturbed when a mirror on my side broke and a few shreds of glass pierced my right cheek since I was sitting right next to it. A scream left my throat and I could feel my whole body paralyze from fear.

Victor started driving the car like a formula one racer while Cesco stretched his body to get to me. He sat beside me, took my face in his hands and started checking the severity of damage. I couldn't see his face properly because my vision was blurred by my tears that flowed like a dam.

"Shh, its gonna be okay. its gonna be okay..." He kept on repeating the same sentence over and over again while I sobbed, pathetically clutching his tee in my hands.

"Fran! Get the jacket!" Victor shouted to which Cesco reacted immediately. He reached forward to grab something which I assumed to be some jacket.

They are worried about a damm jacket? seriously?

"Here. Wear this jacket, Its bulletproof." He didn't wait for me to respond and started wrapping me up like a baby in that bulletproof jacket.

I was still under a lot of pain. My cheek felt a little funny since some liquid was oozing out of it constantly. I got to know that the liquid was blood as it was dripping down on my hands which made me a little dizzy since I can't bear looking at blood at all.

I would probably faint if I saw a lot of blood on someone. That someone today was me and I was finding it really hard not to faint then and there.

"Just hang in there a little bit more bambina." Cesco muttered while looking at the right side of my face with concern.

Suddenly, a vehicle pushed our car from the side which caused me to scream in horror.

"Figlio di puttana!" (Son of a bitch!). Victor yelled out in a loud voice.

Cesco engulfed me in his arms carefully while avoiding to touch my right cheek which must be looking like a bloody mess.

Cesco called someone and said something in Italian. He then looked at my eyes and wiped the tears that were beyond my control now.

"Do you trust us Scarlett?" He asked in a very soft voice.

I nodded my head without missing a bit But I winced as soon as I did so.

"Easy there baby. Now I know you are in a lot of pain. but you have to be brave for a few more minutes until we reach the hospital okay?" He asked while looking at me so tenderly that I actually thought of my mom who used to look at me like that whenever I was sick.

"Fran!" Victor said in a low and deadly voice. Cesco immediately grabbed something from the dashboard which happened to be a gun.

I gasped loudly when I saw my sweet brother holding a gun like a toy. Cesco looked at me for a second before lowering the mirror and started shooting like I have seen in movies.

I closed my ears by tightly pressing my hands against them. My whole body was trembling like a leaf. Victor turned towards me and muttered something when he saw my wretched state.

He searched for something with his hands while trying to concentrate on the road ahead. He pulled something our of the cabinet under the dashboard and gave it to me. I was stunned to see headphones in his hands.

"Wear this." Victor gave it to me which I gladly wore to cover my ears from this dreadful noise. A song was heard as soon as I wore those headphones and I felt a little relaxed that my ears will be prevented from hearing such chaotic sounds.

I don't remember for how long we stayed like this. Victor speeding up like a bull on steroids, Cesco playing his part of a man in black and I, being a scaredy little kitten.

A horn was heard from my side. I immediately shifted my eyes to the right and saw Alviaz on a bike. More tears fell from my eyes when I saw him. He was driving side by side and constantly ducking his head forward. My brows furrowed and I looked to the backside of the car for the first time.

My eyes widened in horror when I saw two huge cars were trying to reach us. Some of the man were hanging onto its door and shooting constantly at us and Alviaz.


I was feeling afraid, for Vi. We are covered by the roof of the car but he is on a bike and can be easily shot down. Closing my eyes, I started praying for all of us.

"Scarlett." Victor interrupted my prayers. I looked at him with tearful eyes.

"Listen to me very carefully sister. I am going to stop the car in an alley for 10 seconds and you are going to get down and sit behind Alviaz on his bike. He will take you to the hospital okay?"

"No! I am not going to leave you alone!" I shouted while shaking my head repeatedly which was a bad move as my face started throbbing more painfully.

"We will be fine child. Your safety matters the most right now. I am going to pull over okay. be ready."

He didn't gave me enough time as he swiftly turned to a narrow alley which can only fit a single vehicle at a time. As soon as he pulled over, Cesco leaned forward and opened the door for me while giving me an encouraging nod.

I didn't throw any unnecessary fit and slid out of my seat. Alviaz was already waiting for me there. When I settled down behind him, the bike roared to life and I was forced to clutch onto him like a koala since he was driving like a mad man.

I was afraid that those men will come after us but my fear soon turned into astonishment when a ton other bikers surrounded us from every side. They were bike riders gang. I have heard of them from Stella because her brother is one of them.

Gunshots were still fired at us but the gang formed a protective shield and took down almost all the shooters. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. My pain was long forgotten because of this movie like situation.

After riding for almost 20 minutes, we finally reached the hospital. Alviaz didn't even took off his helmet when he bent over and carried me on his back. A tired sigh left my lips and I closed my eyes while laying my head on his shoulder. Everything after that was a blur.


Hey there:D

I told you I am going to update within two days and a promise is a promise we can't break;)

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