Chapter XIII

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As soon as the bell rang indicating the end of first period, two girls appeared in front of me.

One of them is giving me a big wide toothy grin while the other one was rolling her eyes continuously while chewing something.

"Hey!!" I was again startled by her cheery voice.

"Um hello" I gave her a slight wave.

"Aww look at you being so polite. Nothing like the girl who almost cried tessa the mean girl in making!" The overly excited girl gushed.

"Oh that..she was definitely being mean but I am used to these comments so I know how to handle them." I chuckled softly at her behaviour.

"Thank fuck you're not a push over. I hate those pussies." The other girl said for the first time and damm she is a badass.

"I just realised you don't even know our names yet. I am Melanie but call me Mel and this babe here is Stella."

"Call me that one more time again and I will crush your favourite cookies right in front of you." Stella hissed at her.

"You wouldn't dare!" Mel's eyes bulged out of sockets.

"By the way, did you write that note earlier?" I asked them suddenly remembering the note in my pocket.

"I did! So what's your answer?" Mel asked me with hopeful eyes.

"Sure!" She clapped happily while Stella muttered something under her breath.

When the lunch period came along, we all decided to go to cafeteria.

Cafeteria was packed when we arrived but I think they have their seat fixed or something since they easily slid down on one of the them in the middle.

"So..tell me about yourself Scarlett." Mel said to me while Stella went to buy her lunch.

"Call me Letty and I don't have much to tell. I moved here from Florida as you know and I have eight brothers."

She spit out her juice as soon as I finished.

"Eight brothers! Wow you have it bad than me."

"You have brothers too?" I said while munching on my sandwich.

"Yup 3 brothers, one is my twin and other two are off to college so I hardly see them anymore."

She was saying something about her twin but my attention shifted to Stella who was arguing furiously with a boy..

When Mel realised I wasn't listening to her she turn to look in their direction and sucked in a breath.

"Not again." she sighed.

I was going to ask her what she meant but stopped when Stella dumped her smoothie on the boy's head.

Ooohhh drama!!

Mel was quick to rush to save the boy from her friend's wrath with me following behind.

"And here I thought you were giving in to my charms." The boy smirked while licking the smoothie that was dripping down his hair.


"God Luke can't you keep your mouth shut for once!" Mel hissed at the boy while drying his hair with her napkin.

What the..

"Hey there twinnie! I was just saying hello to girlfriend here." Luke placed his arms on Stella's shoulder which she roughly shoved away.

"I. am. not. your. girlfriend." Stella hissed at him but he continued to smile bashfully at her.

Mel turned to me with an apologetic face.

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