Chapter 21

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"I choose you."

I watch as his body freezes up completely. I can tell he's fighting the urge to make a comment. I simply don't let him. I walk into my room without a word as I close the door behind me. I quickly strip out of my clothing and hop into my hot shower. They let me decide whom I wanted; so I picked exactly who I wanted to turn me. Osiris can't change my mind; it's what I truly want. He's been my pick for months. Even when he was a complete and utter dick. He's always been my pick. My mind is set and it won't be bribed, bought, changed, or manipulated from what I want.

Sorry Osiris, it has to be you.

Once I have completely turned my smooth skin into prunes; I decide it's time to get out of my shower. I wrap one towel around my body and the second on in my hair. I walk into my closet to get my sleeping clothes. I simply just grabbed a pair of solid black sweat pants and tee shirt. I throw on my oversized jumper and slip my sock covered feet in my house shoes. I slip out of closet and head over to my desk. I tend to draw at night more than anything. I sketch for a few hours before I close my drawing book. My back has stiffened from sitting so long. As I stand up my tummy has a mind of her own. She roars to life which means it's snack time. As I escape the comfort of my room; I descend the stairs to the kitchen. As I pull out some snacks from the pantry; an hand grabs my arm and pulls me out. Before I can even scream to alert anyone; a hand clamps down on my mouth. Keeping me from screaming my lungs out. If my senses would work instead of my fear overpowering every sense I have. I would have know it was one of my mates. I would have known exactly which one it was.

"Shhh! It's just me snack stealer." His husky voice says.

He removes his hand from my mouth. I quickly turn around and slap the hell out of his chest.

"Osiris you asshole! You nearly caused my heart to stop beating." I whine.

He laughs a heavenly laugh as he pushes me into the pantry. He closes the door behind us and closes in on me.

"So you think you can just pick me and walk off without my option." He says with a smirk.

"Well obviously I did, didn't I?" I say back with my brow raised.

He laughs his laugh and shakes his head. I duck underneath his arms and walk out of the pantry. Osiris is hot on my heels. I get up to my room and as I go to close my door. His hand stops it completely.
He pushes the door open and walks in like it's an open invitation.

"This conversation isn't over." He grumbles.

"I just want to eat my snacks." I whine.

I grab my small blanket and walk out onto my balcony.

"What the hell are you doing?" He questions me.

"Getting comfy. The sky is clear. Obviously going to eat my snacks in the peaceful night sky." I answer.

I plop down on my chair and look up at the sky as I shove potato crisps in my mouth.

"Out here? You'll catch a cold from hell." He complains.

"I do this all the time. Plus I'm in warm clothes with my blanket. I won't be catching any cold." I retort.

"I'm not dressed to be outside at a time like this." He states.

"That's not my problem. I didn't invite you, who's shirtless only in sweats butt out here." I deadpan.

"I'll go get a hoodie, I'll be back." He responds with a roll of his eyes.

"One of your hoodies is in closet. Just grab it." I tell him.

"Why do you? I ain't even going to ask. But that sounds like an invitation to me though." He says while shaking his head.

"Don't ask just get the damn thing and my other blanket off my bed." I order him.

"Okay drill sergeant ma'am." He grumbles while saluting me.

Osiris. I swear.

He comes back with his but my hoodie on and our blanket because the one I told him to grab..... Was also his. I just happened to steal it one day.

"Dude! I've been looking for this for a month now!" He whines.

"Sorry it was just so comfy I had to have." I say innocently.

"Great my mate is a thief." He mumbles.

"I only steal my mates' things. So I'm not a thief." I laugh out.

"Don't try to change the subject on me. We're having this talk we started in the pantry." He finally realizes what I have been doing.

"Well you're not going to change my mind." I state while throwing a crisp in my mouth.

"Just hear me out!" Osiris whines out.

"I'm all ears mate. But you can't change it." I reply.

"Why me Persephone? Why this big bad tribrid? Why not Harlow? Hell even Dom? Why me?" He fires questions after questions.

"Slow down there speed racer. I can't answer a question when you fire ten more after the first." I joke.

"Just answer me please." He softly asks.

"I picked you from the beginning. It was always going to be you." I answer.

"Why?" He fires back.

"Because you're who I want to turn me. You might be this cold heartless creature to everyone but they don't get to see the messy eating pig of a mate you actually are. They don't get to see when you truly smile your dimple shows. Or how when you actually really laugh, your eyes crinkle up. You're left handed but you use your right for everything but write. No one will know that unless they truly pay attention. How you always tuck in Harlee and Helix at night. How you do things with Ava-Lea and Zena-Marie that most brothers wouldn't dare to do. Like your pink and fushia toenails. You pretend to be this monster to the world but you're a completely different person to the ones closest to you. You're not the monster you think you are. You're just an Angel who never got their wings." I explain.

He sits in silence as he replays the words I have spoken.

"So it's me. There's not changing it." He asks.

"Noppppppe." I say while popping the p.

"What if?" He starts to worry.

"You won't hurt me. I trust you." I interrupted him.

"But." He starts.

"No buts Osiris." I say sternly.

He remains silent.

"I guess there's no changing that stubbornness." He grumbles as he walks out from the balcony.

I watch as he goes to my bed and curls up on my unused side. Is he sleeping in here?

What is he doing?

By the time I come inside, Osiris is knocked out on my bed. I don't wake him; instead I curl up beside him. His scent is so peaceful and calm. After laying here for awhile I begin to drift off to LaLaLand.

With one thought on my mind.


Word Count: 1225

Book Total: 36,075

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