Chapter 22

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When the sun begins to shine through the sheer curtains from the balcony. I instantly groan and roll over. As my arm hits something hard; something breathing. I immediately open my eyes. The interior of the room isn't mine as I glance down to the breathing figure. I see pieces of curly lilac hair sticking out from under the covers. I glance around the room one more time and realize who's room I'm in.


Oh shit.

I have got to get out of here.

As I begin to move across her room; I hit my foot against the wall. I freeze instantly, afraid I have waken her up. I peek over my shoulder and see she's still knocked out. I exhale in relief and quicken my steps. As I move across her floor, the wood creaks under my feet. Again, I freeze and look over my shoulder. She's still peacefully sleeping. I make my move for the door; as I open it. It slips out of my hand and bangs against the wall. I freeze once again and pray to who ever is listening that she is still asleep when I turn back around. As I look over my shoulder I don't see her sleeping form under the covers. I move my eyes across the bed and she's no where in sight.

Where the hell is she?

"Where are you going?"

I move my eyes to where her voice has came from. She's standing just meters from me near her closet door. Her hair is all over the place and her face looks half a sleep. Is she sleepwalking?

"Erm. To go back to my room?" I say which sounds more like a question.

"Oh, close the door behind you when you leave." She grumbles.

I watch as she walks back to her bed and crawls right where I had been sleeping moments ago. She takes the pillow that had my head resting on it earlier and buries her face in it. As soon as she inhaled my scent, she was out like a light again.

What a strange little mate.

I grab her door and gently close it behind me. Trying to keep as quiet as I possibly can. I make it into my room without any incidents and get into my own bed. You would think sleep would have came right back to me. However, it hasn't. I roll and toss every which way for the past hour. Sleep wasn't coming back to me in this room. I groan as I get out of my own bed. I walk back out my door and head back into Persephone's room. I crawl onto her side of the bed and throw the covers back over us. As soon as my head hits her pillow; I drift off to sleep quicker than she did. I wake up to knocking on her door a few hours later.

"Persephone it's time for breakfast." Mother calls out from the door.

"Go away!" I groan before I could even catch myself.

"Osiris?" Mother calls out again.

"What?" I grumble loudly.

"Why are you in here?" She asks from the closed door.

"Nightmare. Now go a way." I answer.

Persephone stirs beside me and I mentally want to strangle my mother right now.

"I'll be out in a moment." Persephone calls out from under the covers.

Just grand.

Now they're going to believe something happened. When nothing happened at all. What a predicament!

I toss the covers over my head when bed begins to move. I move my hand over to where she was to feel it's empty.

She's awake now.

Just great!

I hear her closet door open than close. I take my chance and sprint out of her bed. Covers that were tangled around my body has now been ripped of the bed. It now lies on the floor at my feet. I scurry like a scared dog out of her room and quickly enter my own.

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