Chapter 4: Faded

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It is exactly 9:45 in the morning and I have been staring at my computer for quite a few unproductive minutes. Mondays are usually the most sluggish, consumed by numerous cups of coffee and mostly silence around the office besides the sound of phones ringing in various cubicles that indicate important calls with clients.

It goes without say that I have spent most of my morning catching glimpses of her, trying hard not to end up releasing a goofy grin at the sight of her pretty face.

After a few hours during lunch break I see her eating at the reception, filling out some paperwork. I make my way towards her, giving a small wave as she smiles brightly.

"You know, some people might say that we went on a date last Friday,"

Oh God, I think, was that too much?

"I wouldn't quite call that a date," She raises her eyebrows, playing along.

"Oh come on Khushi. There was dinner on the rooftop, music, and we even danced. I'd say that's a pretty solid date,"

"We didn't dance," She replies, seeming to think back to our time spent last Friday, "We swayed to the music,"

"Okay, you got me," I raise my hands in defeat. "But at least I didn't cancel plans with you last minute," I blurt out without thinking.

The radiance in her eyes vanishes, replaced by embarrassment mixed with hurt. I regret speaking instantly, fully knowing that she understood that I had referred to her fiancé canceling plans with her on Friday.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way-"

"I have to make some printouts," She quickly interrupts, walking away.


Another hour passes. Every now and then I can feel her gaze on me from my peripheral vision, yet every time I look to her, she looks away. My mind buzzes with questions, but I try to concentrate on work instead.

The office door opens and a rugged, buff man walks in, his eyes unmoving from the reception desk the entire time. To my surprise the man walks straight to Khushi, planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

So this is her fiancé.

Looking at him, I feel small all of a sudden. My body is almost half his size, my arms and legs lankier than his. Although one would not describe me as skinny, I am not very muscular either. However, there's one thing I can vouch for – I am significantly taller than him.

I force myself to look away from the sight of Khushi laughing and talking with this bulk of a man. I quickly grab a pen and flick it around to alleviate the anxiety, when I hear her fiancé call everyone's attention.

"Hey guys, I know you're all working but I wanted to announce that Khushi and I have finally fixed a date for the wedding,"

She gives a tight lipped smile, looking down shyly. Or hesitantly?

Everyone in the office gets up to congratulate them. I can almost feel the air inside me getting caught in the middle of my throat.

"Wow, good for them. It was about time, they've been engaged for 3 years," I hear Sumit say to himself, the statement confusing me.

"Wait, they've been engaged for that long? How come they haven't married yet?" I can't help but ask, trying not to sound too inquisitive.

Sumit shrugs. "I really don't know. Every time Khushi would try to bring up the subject about getting married, Roy would shoot her down and avoid it."

I look back at her and her fiancé, only to find her eyes already on mine. Her smile diminishes and her gaze is filled with that same longing again, the one I can't pinpoint the reason behind. I keep my eyes on her – and this time, she doesn't look away.


It is now quarter past 12 in the afternoon. The office is quite empty, with everyone either headed out to buy lunch or in the break room eating lunch. Roy hadn't stayed for long, shortly leaving after the wedding announcement. Needless to say, I could not get any work done – my mind was way too preoccupied with thoughts of a certain wavy haired, brown-eyed girl whom I may as well try to forget as she has chosen another. Yet no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help but think about the possibility of her choosing me.

Taking advantage of the unoccupied setting, I take a deep breath and make my way towards the reception.

"Hey, congratulations on the wedding," I manage, my voice coming out weaker than intended.

Khushi looks up to me, only to look back down and smile. "Thanks,"

She looks as if she wants to say something else, but I see her refrain from doing so. After a few moments of silence I decide to avert the topic.

"So, you're coming to the office party this Saturday, right?"

Khushi's eyes glimmer for a second as I mention it, her hesitation diminishing for some time. "Yeah, I am. Are you?" She says, her gaze somewhat hopeful. Or had I imagined it to be?

I let myself look at her for a few moments before I nod in affirmation, smiling.


A/N: Thank you to those who comment :) Silent readers please don't be shy!

- Rain

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