Chapter 11: Taking Flight

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If I was ever doubtful of the reasoning behind the phrase "butterflies in my stomach," that doubt is being erased at this very moment.

Paired with the hammering of my heart, it truly feels like a dozen butterflies are fluttering about in my tummy. I reapply my lip gloss for the third time, cursing myself for licking my lips out of nervousness every two minutes. I've left my hair out in my natural waves, hoping he'll run his hand through them just as I've imagined so many times. I check my phone. Arnav must be on his way.

When I had read the words "Are you free for dinner tonight?" on the paper plane he sent, I realized just how much I wanted to say yes. And I did, but there was still a part of me that wondered if we ought to take things slow. Now, sitting here, waiting for him to arrive at my door, I realize that taking time will only delay the inevitable.

He's my best friend. The man I chose over my past. The man I was always in love with, even though it was not as obvious to my own intuition.

There is nothing to be uncertain of. Then why should we delay what is meant to be?

Perhaps I am scared of losing him. Afraid of circumstances going against us, or that we may not end up being what we hope to be. We have talked about these fears during long phone calls stretching into the night, which always ended with us promising each other that we would not let these fears dictate what may turn out to be a beautiful and lasting companionship, despite my bitter experience of the past.

Years from now, I don't want him to exist only in my thoughts, nor do I want to ask myself, "what if?"

And so this leap of faith is worth it all.

He is worth it all.



The last time I stood at her doorstep, I had driven hours from another city, my mind racing, replaying her voicemails in my head. I wasn't sure what her reaction would be when she saw me, or what was to become of us, or if I had been too late. But when she opened the door, and I met her twinkling eyes as she flew into my arms, I knew I had nothing to be unsure of.

This time, as I stand at her doorstep holding a bouquet of peonies, there is nothing but happiness and anticipation filling me. I had never imagined to be in this position, waiting to take her out on our first date. When I started to fall in love with my colleague who was engaged to be married, a part of me had already accepted defeat and the reality that this was probably never meant to be.

It's funny how things have a way of falling into place with the course of time.

I ring the doorbell, and she answers within a few moments, leaving me wondering how she looks radiant in every form that I see her. Whether it be at work, with her tied back hair and professional attire, or in her pajamas, or in a floral dress, like she is wearing right now. No matter if the skies are grey with clouds – every time I see her, it feels as though the sun has come out.

"Arnav, are you alright?"

Khushi waves her hand in front of my face in concern and I look at the ground, embarrassed for staring at her without a care in the world. "Hey, yeah, I'm sorry. You just..." I scratch the back of my neck. "You look beautiful,"

Her cheeks unveil a soft hue of coral. I reveal the bouquet from behind my back, watching her eyes light up.

"How did you know peonies were my favorite?" She takes them from my hand, closing her eyes to inhale its scent.

"You might have mentioned it some time ago," I reply, earning a smile.


The car ride to the restaurant is a pleasant and smooth one, thankfully with merciful traffic. We had first discussed going to an arcade or a movie, but ultimately decided for a local diner. There's a lot of time ahead of us which can be spent at arcades and movies but for now, we wanted to spend time in the company of good food and good conversation.

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