Chapter 5: More Than That

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The chill of the night hits me right as I get out of my car. Despite the fact that I am wearing a sweater and jeans instead of my usual 'work clothes' (a plain collared shirt and polyester pants), my change of outfit ceases to spare me from the merciless January wind.

Our boss, Ranveer, has organized a party for all the employees of Penn Papers on the third floor of our office building. It has sort of become a winter tradition. Apparently the main attraction of tonight is to be the game of pool, gambled amongst anyone who wishes to play and all the proceeds from every game will be donated to a charity. The boss pitched his idea during a meeting a few weeks ago, looking very proud of himself. "Stellar idea, really," He had said with a grin. We all clapped and agreed. Last year it was casino night, this year it's pool.

I usually never come to parties of any kind but I couldn't resist coming to this one. I let out a quick breath and open the glass doors to the sizable room, dimly lit and crowded with formally dressed employees socializing with one another. I immediately catch sight of her within three seconds of panning my eyes around the room – she has her hair completely down instead of it in a ponytail or fastened with a clip like it is during office hours. She's wearing a pale pink dress, the shade identical to the color of her smiling lips. I suddenly don't remember what I had prepared to say to her as my mind goes completely blank, and then I feel an abrupt weight on my chest when I see her fiancé hug her waist.

"Arnav! Fancy seeing you here!"

"Ranveer, hi," I manage, shaking his hand with a practiced smile.

"Come on, get a drink and play a game, my friend!" Ranveer ushers me to the bar, laughing exuberantly at seemingly nothing.

I gulp down a glass or two, squinting my eyes at the taste. Gathering courage I didn't know I needed, I walk up to her.

"Arnav, hi!" She looks as if she is about to hug me, but stops. "I don't think you two have met. Roy, Arnav. Arnav, Roy." She introduces, gesturing with her hand.

"Hey man, what's up." Roy speaks in a gruff voice, shaking my hand.

I struggle to match the firmness of his handshake. "Hey, nice to meet you," I hesitate. "Congratulations on the engagement, by the way."

I look at her. She looks... happy.

I snap myself out of it and try to remember why I downed those two glasses earlier. "Ms. Gupta," I smile, "Would you care to be challenged by me to a serious game of pool?"

Khushi smiles, wider than she already was. "Why of course."

We walk over to the pool table and for the next 15 minutes, Khushi and I engage in a not so serious game. She is surprisingly good, and I find myself learning new techniques from her, that is when I am able to concentrate on her words without getting lost in her smile.

"You're going to have to do better than this, Raizada," She smirks, walking over to the other side as she sharpens her cue stick.

"I'm giving you an easy win here, Gupta. Jeez, take a hint," I retort, rolling my eyes in jest. She laughs, and I memorize this moment in my brain to recall on my drive back home.

"Maybe I like some tough competition. Wouldn't kill you to try,"

"Well, I'm afraid I'm a very gracious loser," I shrug, faking an innocent pout. Khushi looks down and shakes her head, the tendrils of hair swaying by the sides of her full cheeks. "Besides, I could lose to you any day," The words spill out before I can think twice. Her smile fades slightly, clearly trying to decipher the meaning behind why I said what I did.

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