Chapter 10: Then, It's a Date?

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"Penn Papers, this is Khushi, how may we help you?"

A secret smile stretches my lips when I hear her say that simple sentence.

The sentence that was my first introduction to her, one I used to hear a thousand times a week during work hours. The sentence that shifted my attention, every single time, towards reception. And she'd be sitting there, twirling with her hair, her hazel eyes glued to her computer screen.

It made me realize I was falling deeply for this girl, when I had the epiphany that I could hear her say that one simple sentence for rest of my life without getting tired. That's when I knew.

I look over to her now, and she grins back. These quiet, clandestine exchanges are more than making up for every single second we have missed.

I see her scribbling something, then folding it up into a paper plane before she shoots for my desk. I catch it mid air, almost fumbling, making her giggle. I enjoy the sight of it for a moment before reading her note.

Good to see you re-adjusting so well.

We hold gazes for a moment. I catch my breath when she smirks.

It's like I never left. I write my reply on the other side of the paper, my plane luckily landing right on her desk.

I watch her bite her lip as she reads my note, and my heart skips a beat.


Most of the workday goes by routinely, just like this past week has. Aside from the warm welcomes from my colleagues and my boss Ranveer on my first day back, the week has consisted of sales calls and spreadsheets, barring the occasional staring contests the receptionist and I partake in.

On my second day back Khushi had caught me staring at her, and instead of looking away or signaling me to resume working, she stared right back, a serious expression on her face. Her unfaltering gaze had amused me and I soon knew that this was an invitation to a staring contest. We sat there, gazes interlocked, suppressed smiles on our lips, while the rest of the office remained oblivious to our antics. These occasional contests usually end with me expressing a bit too much of my unsaid desires through my eyes, which instantaneously makes her blush and look down.

Apart from secret staring contests, we had decided a week ago that we would not rush anything. Yes, we both knew we wanted more, but this past week, my sole purpose has been being there for her as her best friend and confidante.

A broken engagement is not an easy thing to cope with, I knew, no matter the circumstance. And so, I've been trying to make her laugh as much as I can, pulling jokes and pranks with her to bring back the essence of the dynamic we have always shared. Slowly but surely, the agony of that night of the party, the doubts that followed afterwards, the hopelessness, all seemed to fade the more we spent time with each other. Often, we talk on the phone during the late hours of night, rebuilding memories of the past.

"It was always you. God, Arnav, I'm a fool for not realizing that sooner."

"It doesn't matter now, Khushi. I would have waited for you regardless."

My recollection of our conversations gets interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering the office.

"Why are you here?" I hear Khushi say, her voice small. Cold.

I look at her direction straight away.

It's Roy.

I instinctively stand up, my hands fisting by my sides. The office grows quiet as everyone's attention is drawn to the desk at reception. At Khushi and Roy, who stand a few feet away from each other.

"Khush, just listen to me-"

"I don't want to talk to you,"

Roy scowls, his frustration evident on his features. "I've changed, I swear! Let's get back toge-"

"No. Please leave," Khushi takes a step back, clearly uncomfortable by the inquisitive stares from our colleagues at them.

When I see Roy take a step towards her and grab her arm, I go and stand in between them, effectively freeing her from his hold.

"She'd like you to leave," I hear myself say.

Roy shifts his line of sight from me to Khushi, who's silently standing behind me. When she does not protest, his jaw hardens. For a moment it seems like he wants to say more, but then I notice defeat in his stance. He backs away, before finally leaving the office.

I turn around to her, only to see her slump in her seat. "Are you okay?" I touch her shoulder, drawing circles on the fabric of her shirt.

"Yeah. Thank you," She tries to smile, placing her hand on mine reassuringly.


Lunch is a quiet affair. She eats spoonfuls of her mixed berry yogurt in silent contemplation. I try to sneak in some silly jokes here and there, earning faint, languid smiles in return. It pains me seeing her like this, and I know I need to make things right.

Ranveer calls us in for a meeting in the middle of the day, ushering everyone in the conference room. He announces it as a quick discussion on leadership, but I don't quite pay attention. My thoughts are occupied by something else entirely.

"Let's talk about this through an analogy! Say the whole paper industry is a building and that building is on fire. Who do you save?" Ranveer enthusiastically calls out, flailing his arms to encourage volunteers.

One of my colleagues hesitantly raises her hand, "The customer? Because customer is king, right?"

"That's a good thought but not quite. You would save salesmen and profit centers. We are the real kings baby!" Ranveer makes a smug gesture, and everyone laughs to themselves at his usual antics.

I let out a small laugh too, turning to look at Khushi. Usually at a moment like this during our Boss's eccentric remarks, she would be laughing as well. But her eyes are downcast, her lips tight.

I raise my hand.

"Yes, go ahead, Arnav!" Ranveer calls on me, clapping his hands once.

"I would save the receptionist,"

Khushi's eyes immediately light up at the unexpected answer as we lock gazes. I smirk and discreetly wink at her. She grins from ear to ear, biting her lip.

"That's a good one, Raizada," Ranveer replies, as everyone laughs at what they think is a joke.

Little do they know, I was being dead serious.


The end of the day rolls by rather quickly and it is almost time to leave. After the meeting Khushi had been smiling more, no longer drowned in pensiveness. I wonder just how much of an effect that one small comment had on her, that it gave enough fuel to her optimism to make her happy. There is no greater victory for me.

Looking at her now, there is a new sense of urgency that fills me. I know that we had said we would take things slow, but it just... feels right.

I open my desk drawer and pull out a blank sheet of paper.

Are you free for dinner tonight? I write my note and fold it carefully. Taking a deep breath, I fly it over to her desk.

She opens it and places her bangs behind her ears. I see her writing on it before she aims the plane back to me.

Yes :)

My fingers touch the ink of her reply. I write underneath it.

Then, it's a date?

The plane flies over to her one last time. After reading my question she nods her head, and we both beam at each other.

I am so damn glad I took this job.


A/N: Technically this is the last chapter, but the bonus chapter will be up soon. Stay tuned to find out how their date goes! <3

- Rain

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