Chapter Two -Day One-

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Lilith's P.O.V.

When I woke up the following morning, my alarm clock was beeping at my bedside. I groaned and rolled over, glancing at the time. And then shot up in bed.

Today was the first day of school, and I was already behind schedule. It was far too late now if I wanted to eat breakfast before most people got up.

I quickly hit the off button and threw off the covers. Then, I scrambled to where my school uniform was hanging, changed out of my pajamas, and threw on my uniform. The uniform consisted of a red button-up, a black tie, a red blazer, a blue skirt, and some rather cute-looking lace-up boots.

I paused in front of the mirror to ensure my tie looked neat before pulling up my stockings and slipping into the shoes. Next, I quickly brushed out my natural pink hair. Though I didn't mind that it reached halfway down my back, I often wondered if I should cut it shorter.

My stark blue eyes checked myself over before Ai and I deemed that I looked presentable. I pulled my backpack over my shoulders before leaving my dorm, locking it behind me as I went.

The sun shined through the windows, the light signaling the start of a new day. I pressed the down button on the elevator and watched the small led screen as the elevator came up. Finally, the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open.

As I stepped in, I heard a door open in the hallway, and I hit the first-floor button before crossing my fingers that the doors would close before they could get to the elevator. I might have hit the close-door button several times to ensure my solitude, but it worked.

The elevator began to move down from the 4th floor where my room was, and then, much to my dismay, it paused on the 3rd floor. The doors opened, revealing a silver-haired boy with albino skin and bright purple eyes. He had an undercut, several black ear piercings lining both of his ears, and his hair was spiked up in a little bit of a quiff.

The boy walked into the elevator and smiled at me. I gave a shy one back as the doors closed behind him. We rode down to the first floor in awkward silence before the elevator doors opened. It was clear that both of our destinations were the kitchen, but while he stayed to make a bowl of cereal, I only grabbed an apple and headed out the door.

It was too early to head to class, but I was a bit of an introvert. I wanted to spend this time before school began alone. So, after finding a secluded spot, I took a bite out of my apple.

Before, people would constantly surround me. People who I, frankly, didn't want to meet. Maybe that was just my lack of self-confidence talking, but I had hard doubts that people would like me if they knew about Ai and my family.

This is why Ai suggested we only allowed the faculty to know about her. I didn't like shoving Ai aside, and I didn't like keeping her a secret, but Ai told me that people should get to know me as one person to make friends.

I finished off my apple, even eating the core too. Another thing that people didn't like me for.

I checked my phone for the time and saw it was about time to head to class. So I stood up, licking my fingers free of juice before brushing off the back of my skirt. And then I moved towards the school building.

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I opened the classroom door and walked inside. A seating chart was posted on the chalkboard, and I quickly found my seat. Thankfully I was by the wall, which meant one less person sitting next to me to stress over.

I buried my face in my phone, happy to have been the first person here. A few minutes passed without me being interrupted before the sound of voices began to buzz in the hallway. Four kids entered the classroom together, glancing at me as they found their seats and set their bags down before continuing to chat.

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