Chapter Nine -Together-

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Elijah's P.O.V.

As we all waited in the infirmary, Restoration Woman sighed as she returned with a stack of papers.

"I never thought that her disorder would get this bad," she said, setting down the files she was carrying.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked worriedly, having stayed by Lilith and Ai's side as they had requested. Lilith seemed to be back to normal except for a thick strand of her hair that had remained black on her left side.

"She will be, but since most of what happened to her is extremely confidential, there isn't much I can tell you," she said with a sigh.

"Lilith developed her dissociative identity disorder when she was five, and since she developed it at the same time her augere developed, it fused with her augere. Which is why when Mr. Nelson sealed her augere, you saw the real Lilith and Ai. Ailith," she said.

"Ailith?" Kokoa asked, and Restoration Woman nodded.

"It says on our register that she goes by Lilith, however on her medical records her name is Ailith, which is why I had a hard time obtaining these things," Restoration Woman said, placing a hand on the files. "Though she hasn't emerged, Ailith is Lilith's and Ai's original persona before Ai and Lilith split off from her into two different people. She's the third person living inside their body," Restoration Woman explained.

"However she is dormant inside of Lilith, since her job is to prevent Lilith and Ai from remembering the traumatic experience that created their split in the first place. And with that, Ailith's real augere is actually unknown to us since her augere split in half to support both personas," Restoration Woman continued.

"Lilith and Ai have absolutely no knowledge of Ailith, though, I believe that deep down they know that there is a third persona. I ask that you don't tell her until she asks you. After all, this is only a theory I've come up with based on what little information I have. If I wanted to know if my hypothesis was correct, we would need Lilith and Ai to remember what happened. And as of right now, that's not a good idea," Restoration Woman said.

"Any further stress on this subject may lead Lilith and Ai to go into shock. And that's not what a hero in-training needs to focus on right now," Restoration Woman told us.

I worriedly looked at Lilith, who looked like she was having a bad dream. I hesitantly grabbed her hand in mine, my heart fluttering a little as I did so. I squeezed her hand slightly, and Lilith's eyebrows unfurrowed slightly.

"I'm not a very good secret keeper..." Kokoa worried.

"You're not keeping a secret, you just won't be telling her of your own violation. If she asks, then we should tell her honestly," Hayate said to her.

Kokoa gave him a look.

"That's the problem, I'm gonna be dying to tell her," she said.

Hayate nudged her with his elbow.

"Well restrain yourself. This is for her mental health that we don't tell her straight out," he told her, and Kokoa sighed.

"Well if she's fine now, Weaver and I have some work to do in the office. If something happens let us know," Mr. Nelson told Restoration Woman, and she gave him a nod as they left.

"Well Lucy and I have to get to our work studies, did you wanna come with us back to the dorm, Elijah?" Beryl asked.

I looked between them and the unconscious Lilith before I gave them a worried smile.

"Nah, you guys go on ahead. I'll see you back at the dorms," I told them.

Lucifer scoffed.

"Don't sit there and worry the entire time. She'll wake up. She isn't on death's door, idiot," Lucifer said as she turned to go.

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