Chapter Five -Encounter-

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Lilith's P.O.V.

In front of me with spiked-up black hair, crimson red eyes, jagged teeth that could be mistaken for those of a shark, and a worried expression, was Elijah Knight, one of the famous previous 2A students who had battled against the forces of evil that had attacked the school.

I furiously wiped my tears, embarrassed to be caught like this in front of such a renowned student.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you-," I stuttered, and Elijah came into full view.

"No no! Don't apologize on my part. I just didn't know if you had gotten hurt or something. If I'm disturbing you I can I just go," he began, and I felt a panic twist in my gut.

"No!" I shouted before blushing as he froze. "I-I mean no, you're not disturbing me, don't feel like you have to leave on my account," I told him, getting quieter as I went on.

Elijah turned back to face me again and, after having what looked to be an internal debate, sat down next to me.

"Sorry for crying," I apologized.

Elijah shook his head.

"Don't apologize for crying. Crying is super healthy for you and your mental health. I'd even go as far as to say it's manly to cry," he exclaimed as I finished wiping my face.

After some silence, he spoke up again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he gently pressed.

I pursed my lips and paused.

"So..." I trailed before I cracked. "I have this huge secret that I wasn't planning on telling anyone but now my whole class found out because it came out during hero training today. And everyone else I've told this secret to has rejected me as their friend. And I, I don't have any confidence to say that my two new friends would want to stay friends with me. I'm tired of being alone, and part of the reason I came here was to not be alone. I think I blew it. No, I know I blew it," I rambled as Elijah listened patiently.

"Well, did they say anything like they didn't want to be friends anymore?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"No, but it-" I began, and then Elijah cut me off.

"But nothing. You can't say with certainty that they will reject you if you haven't even talked with them. Don't doubt yourself, you need to know that you're worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. From what I know so far, you're a very kind person. If they don't want to be friends with you anymore, I'll be your friend. And I promise I won't run away from you if I find out your secret. I mean, it's not like you're secretly an ax murderer, right?" he asked.

I smiled a little.


"Then there's nothing to worry about. If they really like you for who you are, they won't abandon you," he told me.

I let out a breath.

Those words have never been said to me before. Night Mare may have told me that she could help me feel loved, but she never said anything to reassure me that those people would continue to love me.

"Thanks, means a lot to hear that," I said, a few more tears coming from my eyes.

"Wah! Sorry– did I make you cry again?" Elijah panicked.

I laughed at his flustered words.

"No! No, they're good tears this time, I promise," I told him as I wiped my eyes again.

"My name is Lilith Ito. I'm in Class 2A. You're Elijah Knight, right? You're from the famous former class of 2A," I told him.

Elijah laughed.

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