23. Just Wanted My Damn Cake

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"Knock knock". Avalon whispered pushing open Alicents door. A sigh of relief filled Alicent as Avalon came in. "You look so beautiful" Avalon told her but the closer she got she saw the puffy blood shot eyes from crying covered in powder to try and contain it, make her look as regal as the queen she would become, and when she grabbed Alicents hand she saw the bloody cuticles.

"Oh honey". Avalon whispered. "Leave us." Avalon demanded and the servants and hand maidens left quickly leaving them alone.

"I know my brother isnt your prince charming". Avalon remarked sitting Alicent down. "Im so sorry. I know you didnt want this."

"I will do my part as future queen." Alicent whimpered obediently.

"You are not alone sweet girl." Avalon assured her. "Im right here." 

Alicent had spent the better part of the past two moons isolating from everyone and everything. She knew what she had to do, what her father deemed her to do but now... she hated that she was chosen. She never wanted to be queen. Otto wanted the power and she could not even bare to look Avalon in the eyes. Rhaenyra hated her immensely upon the news, never even asked Alicent what happened, just assumed her a monster.

Alicent wasnt a monster, she was a girl with a soft heart and weak to her fathers demands.

Avalon had tried but Alicent claimed to be otherwise occupied. Even though Alicent wanted nothing more than to hold onto Avalon and never let go because she seemed the one good and stable thing in Alicents messed up life.

But as Avalon held onto her Alicent felt a semblance of safety.

But then Otto knocked on the door and it was time. Alicent refused to let Avalon go.

"We need another minute." Avalon called back. "Alicent honey, you dont have to do this, Viserys will understand, give yourself and him more time. Viserys isnt ready for this either." Avalon assured. "I can tell him."

"No." Alicent whimpered as Otto knocked impatiently. "I can do this... just..."

"You dont have to do this." Avalon corrected. "I can tell Viserys-"

"Alicent, it's time." Otto declared pushing in. Alicent swallowed the lump in her as she released Avalon. Avalon pressed a gentle kiss to Alicent's forehead.

"You can still say no." Avalon whispered against her.

"I can't." Alicent corrected.


'Let it be known that King Viserys of House Targaryen and Lady Alicent of house Hightower are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

"Rhaenyra can you stop." Avalon whispered.

"I hate this. I hate her." Rhaenyra countered her arms crossed her foot tapping anxiously on the ground.

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

''I am his.''

''I am hers''

''He is mine''

''she is mine,''

''from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed, Alicent let out a shaky breath, she didnt have the strength to stand up to her father and now she was going to be queen, she was going to... be... Viserys queen. She looked pale and she felt sick, she looked to Avalon and Avalon offered her a pitiful smile.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' 

''I am yours and you are... mine." Alicent's voice cracked and Avalon's heart broke. "Whatever may come.'' She held back the tears and Viserys pecked her lips quickly.

''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... King Viserys of House Targaryen ... ALicent of House Hightower, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.'' The high septon declared. They walked back down the aisle and the celebration began but Alicent didnt remember a thing, Avalon had handed her glass of wine and she drank it down. Avalon stayed beside her, running a calming hand down her back, Alicent leaned into her touch.

"Dance with me." Avalon requested as she rose up. "Come on its no wedding unless you dance." Avalon held out a hand and Alicent hesitantly took it. But that moment spinning around with Avalon, dresses flowing around them, Alicent forgot the pain that raditated around her.

Once the cake was cut Avalon was about to take a bite, her mouth was open, forked headed to her lips but Viserys- Gods be gentle to any man that got between her and her cake- Viserys asked her if she could find Rhaenyra.

Avalon adored her niece Rhaenyra, she loved Rhaenyra to pieces but for the life of her she couldnt get Rhaenyra to calm down about Alicent marrying Viserys.

Avalon wanted to be shoving her face in cake, carrot cake to be exact but she was looking for Rhaenyra.

"Its a wedding! Where are you! I can get you drunk and we can dance and-" avalon begged as she stumbled right into Harwin.

"Im so sorry Ser Harwin!" Avalon declared.

"We have known each other how long now princess and you still without fail call me ser." Harwin countered and Avalon bit her lip trying to hide her blush.

"You call me princess." She countered

"You are a princess."

"You are a knight. I was born with my title you on the other hand earned yours. Your Ser is much more impressive than my princess." Avalon reasoned.

"So what if you call me Harwin and I call you Avalon." Harwin pondered.

"I would like that." Avalon agreed unable to contain her smile.

"Auntie!" Rhaenyras voice echoed down the hall.

"Perhaps I will see you soon Ser Harwin." Avalon said hopefully.

"I hope so princess." He agreed staring down at her before he tipped his head to her and headed out.

"Auntie there you are!" Rhaenyra declared.

"I was looking for you." Both women declared simultaneously.

"I want cake and you were not at the wedding feast. I was. Therefore it is I that was looking for you because you were not where you were supposed to be." Avalon corrected.

"I hate her. I hate her. I hate Alicent forever!"

"Alicent was chosen she didnt choose to marry viserys." Avalon cooed.

"Yet she is." Rhaenyra shouted.

"Its a losing feat to say no to the king." Avalon offered. She had tried to convince Alicent to say no, it was clear Alicent didnt want Viserys. "Rhaenyra she is your best friend. Do not lose that. She will need you too."

"As she is fucking my father?"

"Yes I will admit thats a bit strange to imagine viserys marrying a child." Avalon agreed "but you know Alicent. She is a sweet girl. Loves her books like viserys does. Their relationship will be more... intellectual is my guess. Not love struck physical- attraction..." avalon admitted.

"You are no help." Rhaenyra shouted marching away.

"I just wanted damn cake! I was trying to be a good aunt!" Avalon called after her. "And this is the bloody thanks I get."

Meanwhile Alicent was being pulled away for her bedding ceremony and she wanted someone to scream stop but it was her duty now.

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora