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Starlight / Aegon Targaryen out now!

Avalon leaned up against the wall looking down at Aegon and Helaena playing together so nicely she sat down slowly before them. Alicent smiled back at her.

"Oooh!" Helaena declared holding up a caterpillar on her hand. It crawled up her arm.

"She likes bugs." Aegon told her. "It's weird."

"Be nice." Avalon told him kissing his face. "I think it is wonderful. Helaena, sweetie pie that's a caterpillar." Avalon told her.

"Cata." Helaena declared.

"Caterpillar." Avalon repeated as it inched over to avalon's hand.

"Thank you." Alicent added. "I... I'm not so good with them it seems, it comes easily to you." Avalon smiled back at her. "You think you will ever get married? Have children?"

"There is only one man I want." Avalon remarked. "And he's married so... you are stuck with me." avalon winked back at her.  "You understand why Viserys had to let your father go..."

"Of course I do." Alicent assured. "It was hard to say goodbye to him but I get it... he wanted Aegon to be named but I think you will be a wonderful queen one day." Alicent assured. 

"And I think you are a wonderful mother. You want to know why?"

"Why?" Alicent agreed sitting beside her. 

"Because every day you show up and make an effort. You try to be there for them even if its not all that they want or think they want... Babies Helaena's age are... well they dont do much as you know so its really Aegon's age thats more fun." Avalon smiled tapping Aegon's chest. 

"Thank you Avalon."

"You are never alone honey." Avalon assured leaning over and kissing her cheek. 


''An outsider... among the natives.'' Larys strong said as Alicent approached him in the gardens at the capital

''Lord Larys.'' Alicent remarked stiffly.

''Malvales. A rare bloom. Indigenous to Braavos. By all rights, it shouldn't be thriving here. Nature... such mystery.'' Larys remarked he gripped to his cane as he looked over at her.

''The weather has been lovely.'' Alicent remarked softly.

''Indeed.'' Larys agreed ''And yet it is a dark day for the realm. Your father was a good man.''

''As is yours who took his place.'' Alicent informed him.

''Yet still, the manner of your father's departure... it feels something of an injustice.'' Larys remarked and Alicent stiffened as the thunder raged on around them.

'What do you know of the matter of his leaving?" Alicent questioned stepping forward.

''When one is never invited to speak, one learns instead to, um... observe. You're perhaps in need of an ally?' Larys suggested cautiously.

"There she is, with Larys... he's always lurking about." Avalon remarked shifting Aegon in her arms. 

"No, you!" Aegon corrected. 

"No me? No me what?"

"I want you!" Aegon shouted, he rested his head against Avalon's. 

"Oh me!" Avalon declared, kissing him. "I want you to, my little boy, my baby boy, my big heavy baby boy!" Aegon giggled out. 

''I'm the Queen. I have no shortage of allies.''

''Naturally. Princess Rhaenyra, for example.'' Larys agreed sarcastically.

''State your purpose, my lord.'' Alicent demanded.

''Uh... I did wonder if she could be relied upon now that she is... unwell.''

''Unwell? I haven't heard anything.'' Alicent countered

''Begging your pardon, Your Grace, I may be mistaken. It's just that on the very same night your father was dismissed, the Grand Maester delivered a tea to the Princess's chambers.'' Larys informed her.

''A tea?''

'Yes.'' Larys agreed.

''Tea my princess?" Harwin questioned with a knock. 

"You are not my hand maiden," Avalon mused. 

"How could you tell?" Harwin teased putting the tea and biscuits down on the table. 

"You have a beard for one, thats a start and oh, what else?" Avalon pondered tapping her finger against her chin. "Oh right, you are three heads taller than my the girl I asked tea from."

"I thought I would be helpful." Harwin offered. 

"You are always so helpful." Avalon agreed. 

''That the Grand Maester himself brought?'' Alicent questioned confused.

''At the direction of the King, as I understand it. I do hope she's not unwell.'' Larys said kindly.

''Rhaenyra sailed with the King to Driftmark yesterday at daybreak.'' Alicent but her brain began to spiral.

''Oh, what good news. I must've been in error. Oh, a relief.'' Larys told her taking unsteady steps towards her. ''See, I thought for Mellos himself, well... her condition must be something very serious. What happiness it is to have been wrong.'

"Thank you Ser Harwin." Avalon declared putting Aegon down, he waddled to the biscuits reaching blindly for one. 

"Of course, my princess." 

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now