31. The Cutest

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Guiltless/ Theon Greyjoy Out now!
When Aegon was born it was considered the birth of a true heir. Thats what the realms decided when Alicent pushed out a son. Everyone wanted Aegon to rule.

Alicent assured Avalon that Viserys wouldnt change his mind, Avalon was the heir. But the realms didnt see it that way. Avalon wouldnt mind not being the heir it seemed like a lot of responsibilities but viserys believed in her. 

That wasnt what was on Avalon's mind right now. Besides having a mini panic attack that alicent was going to die in childbirth Avalon's focus was on the baby. Not Viserys death one day. Because she didnt want to live in a world without her big brother. 

Alicent was exhausted and sore her everything hurt. She was stretched and pulled and prodded at for hours and hours. She thought it would never end. Then Aegon came and she thought the hard part was over, boy was she wrong. 

The hard part had just begun. 

"Do all babies look like that?" Rhaenyra questioned. "Do they always scream that much?" 

"Rhaenyra be kind, Alicent is a new mother you will be grateful when your day comes if others show you compassion." Avalon corrected as she headed into Alicent chambers, Rhaenyra noticed that she didnt knock she just walked right in, like she did it often. 

"He doesnt want to..." Alicent struggled getting Aegon to latch on, "I know he is hungry." Alicent assured "but he just doesnt like me." she whimpered out of desperation. Avalon moved to her side. 

"He can tell you are stressed which it stressing him out." Avalon remarked. 

"Well I'm stressed because he isnt eating so if he ate I wouldnt be stressed and he wouldnt be crying constantly." Alicent whimpered. "I dont want to give him to a handmaiden... I know I should but I should also be able to do this right?"

"You are young, some would say too young to bare the burden of motherhood already but you have Aegon now." Avalon remarked. Alicent nodded. "Its okay to ask for help, thats what we are here for."

"Viserys is getting a celebration in order, a tourney the council suggested, those idiots, I say." Avalon went on as she stroked Aegons back and kissed Alicent's shoulder. 

"I cant do this Avalon." Alicent whimpered. 

"You are already doing it." Avalon corrected kissing her cheek, her lips lingering. Alicent sighed relaxing into her and she felt aegon suckle. "See, you just needed some help." Alicent half smiled half sobbed out as she looked to Aegon. 

"I'm doing it." Alicent agreed through sniffles. 

"I knew you could." Avalon agreed as she continued to stroke Aegon's little back. 


Avalon smiled in at Viserys and Aegon. Viserys was the best big brother in the world. She loved him so much, he had always taken care of her and now he had another little bundle to care for. She knew Aegon would be so loved. 

"I sense you there." Viserys said softly. Avalon smiled moving into the room. 

"Do I need a bath?" avalon teased. 

"With me?" Viserys countered. Avalon giggled out. 

"He's a cutie." Avalon whispered wrapping her arms around Viserys. "The cutest." 

"He is cute." Viserys agreed. 

"Is it everything you ever wanted?" Avalon questioned. "A son?" Viserys took a long moment to answer, he glanced to her and then back to Aegon. 

"I... dont know." Viserys admitted. "Everything is so different from when Aemma and I... it just feels different."

"That makes sense." Avalon agreed. 

"I'm..." a heavy sigh filled him. 

"What Vis?" 

"I can't help but wonder what everything would have looked like if I married you." Viserys admitted. 

"Oh Vis," Avalon kissed him. "I will always love you, no matter what." Viserys shifted Aegon back to his crib and turned around holding Avalon to him. 

"No matter what." Viserys agreed. Their nice moment was shifted when Aegon whined out and that whine turned into a death wail. Viserys stumbled back as if frightened he broke the baby. Avalon moved forward picking up Aegon. His little whimpers subsided as he snuggled into her. 

"I got you, Aegon. My good baby boy. My good baby boy." She cooed, aegon made the cutest baby noises  as he tried to talk to Avalon, nestling into her neck. 

"You are so good with him, you know what he needs," Viserys added. Avalon gave him a small smile. 

"I have been a mother to Mouse since I was a child." Avalon reminded him. "I have had a lot of practice." Viserys chuckled. 

"As opposed to me having Rhaenyra and raising you." Viserys countered. 

"Yes but mothers and fathers are just different." Avalon assured. "You will remember how to soothe him just like you knew how to take care of me. You were younger than I am now when I was born and you took on the role of big brother, father, mother, teacher, the list goes on and on."

"I was younger back then." Viserys countered. 

"You are not old now." Avalon assured. "Young dragon."

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt