78. Kitty

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"What will you name her?" Vaera questioned. Alyssa smiled down at her little dragon.

"I dont know. Can you help me?"

"I would like that." Vaera agreed. "I was thinking about names for my future dragon. Something fun like Mouse."

"Kitty!" Alyssa declared hugging her dragon close.

"Thats what i thought!" Vaera agreed. "Great minds Alyssa great minds!"

"Hello little kitty! Mama mama i picked a name! This is Kitty the dragon!" Alyssa declared.

''Have I lost my sanity, Ser Criston? Do my senses lead me astray? Or is everyone else asleep, dreaming the same woolly dream?'' Alicent questioned as they walked

'Sometimes seems so, Your Grace.'' Criston agreed.

''She flaunts the princess privilege without shame. She expects everyone in the Red Keep to deny the truth our eyes can all plainly see. And the King, her father...'' Alicent sneered

''He knows.'' Criston offered cautiously.

''Of course, he knows." Alicent hissed ''Or did once, but has convinced himself otherwise. He'll do naught but make excuses for her. The Princess Rhaenyra is brazen and relentless. A spider who stings and sucks her prey dry.''

"This sucks." Aemond whispered. 

"I'm so sorry honey." Avalon answered stroking his hair as Helaena and Vaera doted over Kitty. 

"I never got a little dragon, only a big one." Helaena remarked. She remembered exploring out farther than her mother had liked but she was chasing after a new species and it was very exciting and then she stumbled upon dreamfyre, it was as if dreamfyre wanted someone filled with dreams too. 

''A spoiled cunt.'' Criston agreed and a smug smile pulled at Alicent's lips. ''That was beneath me, Your Grace. I apologize.'' But Alicent just smirked. ''I have to believe, that in the end, honor and decency will prevail. ''

''We need to hew to that and to each other.'' Alicent agreed. "And avalon of course... I dont know how she puts up with Rhaenyra. I dont know how I used to. Looking back I see how spoiled she was in everything, only cared for herself and her needs, never anyone else's..." when Alicent had wanted back then was to make her friend happy. But that was a long time ago. "If you will excuse me I still havent spoken with Aegon about... things. I promised Avalon I would."

"Of course your grace." Criston agreed waiting outside Aegon's door as she pushed it open.  Alicent walked in on Aegon pleasuring himself over the balcony, he grunted and groaned happily standing on the ledge ready to come over the streets below when his mother came in.

''Whose idea was it?'' Alicent demanded and Aegon stumbled back wrapping himself up in his sheets nervously.

'Oh!' Aegon grunted as he fell. He wasnt expecting an audience.

"Will I ever have a dragon?" Aemond whispered curling up beside Avalon. 

"You will, you will my sweet boy. One day the right dragon will present him or herself to you... how about we look for some more eggs, see if we can't find one that will hatch for you and vaera?" Avalon suggested. Aemond nodded slightly but he wanted a real dragon, a big dragon. 

"I want a baby dragon!" Vaera agreed. "Little and sweet like a- COOKIE! I will name my future dragon Cookie!" 

''The pig. Was it your plot?' Alicent demanded not caring for her sons embarrassment.

''No... it was Jace and... uh... it-it was the two of them. I couldn't be sure.'' Aegon offered still anxiously covering himself.

''Aemond is your brother.''

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now