Chapter 6:: The Bullseye

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Note from author: The following chapters may be unedited cuz I didn't find enough time to edit them. but yeah, it's still the same work anw so enjoy😀

Author's POV:

You both reached the Palace as he spoke, "Do you want to go home or rest here first?"
"I... don't know." 
He nodded and said, "Come with me, then." 
You frowned but followed him nevertheless. He walked into an area with lots of archery boards. You saw him take a beautiful metal bow from the container and a few arrows as he walked near the shed. Amidst the field were the archery boards. 
He looked at you, "Do you know archery?"
"Kind of...?" You shrugged as he nodded. 

He held the bow firmly, placed the arrow and pulled backwards, aiming properly as he left the arrow. It darted straight into the bullseye making you gasp.
"Woah..." You stared at him in surprise as he said, "This is a skill I've acquired since my childhood. One of the only things the internet doesn't know I do." 
"So, is this like a secret?"
"No. Not really... mother and Jungkook know about this too." He said.

You nodded and walked towards him, "So... why have you brought me here?"
He shook his head, "No reason. Shooting arrows feels nice. It makes you forget a lot of worries. So. You can try it." 
You smiled a little, "But... what if I make a mess?" 
"We have lots of people to clean that up." He said.

You chuckled, making him look at you with quite large eyes. You cleared your throat, taking the bow and arrow. You tried copying his moves and let go of the arrow. It didn't hit the bullseye but it went quite near. You gasped, grinning, "Woah! It went quite close though! Good, right?!" 
"Not bad." He said. You smiled and hummed in satisfaction. Taehyung noticed your happy face and unknowingly, the corner of his lips inched up a little. He took another arrow, shooting it across the field. It didn't hit the bullseye, but just a centimetre away. 
You gasped again, trying yourself.

You both kept shooting arrows and talking among yourselves not realizing how fast time passed by. 

Almost after an hour, Taehyung asked if you'd like to eat anything but you refused. He let the chauffeur take you back home later on. 

—Next day 

You frowned, looking at the time. 8:30 am. You were so late. 
You entered the palace, gulping, scared of whatever was coming. But the welcoming guards and maids, the lavish decor and the smell of high-quality food made your mind ease a little. Also, nervous... for some reason you had no idea about it.

Last night, you had been wondering about Taehyung without realizing when you had fallen asleep. Surprisingly, you even dreamt of him. He and you, sitting in front of the lake and talking... but something more happened. Well, he only held your hand in the dream so it was very innocent, thankfully. 

But since then, you felt awkward facing him again. You didn't have to dream about him. Quite unnecessary.

You were welcomed inside some part of the palace you had no idea existed. There was a beautiful dining table and you saw a lot of plants around, minimalistic decor yet beautiful. There was a garden beside... and you realized it was the same garden you visited last time with Taehyung. The begonias were there. 

You walked towards the begonias, smiling at the flowers and wandering around the garden for a bit until you heard some footsteps. 
You turned around to see Taehyung standing there with a poker face as he always had. He waved at you very robotically and put back his hands, urging you to smile but you didn't. You just cleared your throat and said, "Good morning." 
"Morning." He muttered.
"You're late." He continued.

"You're even later than me." You said as he looked down, "I've been awake since 6 am." 
"Huh? Why?" You asked.
"Just.. awake. No reason. I wake up early."
"That early?"
"Yes." He said, nodding. You frowned but nodded, looking around. 
"So, come inside. The breakfast will turn cold. They're serving it." He said.

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