choose me or lose me

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I walk inside the house and I'm alone. I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I turn it on at freezing cold and get in. All the kisses we shared. The hugs he gave. We're just a way to hurt me. With every touch, with every word. It just breaks me. It kills me. It kills me to know that he was just playing with me while he still loves her. What was I thinking when I said would be with him?! Oh, now I know. You got to take risks. I was so dumb. I start to get angry. Very angry. I turn off the shower. I think I'm going to phase. I wrap a towel around my body. I walk in to my room and put on a pair of shorts and a shirt. I walk to the living room and see Isabel sitting with Jared on the couch which in a movie. I calm down. I walk around them quietly not to disturb them. I walk on the side of the rode kiking rocks.
My feet sinking in to the sand. That is what happened to me. I was sinking into him. I get to the top of the cliff and Jacob is already there looking at the water below. He turns around and smiles at me, he walks closer. I don't return the smile and I stop walking. He hugs me and kisses my head. I stiffen at his touch in response. He let's go of me and looks into my eyes. "What's wrong Jessica?" He asks.
"I imprinted on you. That's what's wrong." I snap at him.
"What are you talking about?" He says. I step around him and stand at the edge. I wonder if I would fall of this cliff and to the bottom with those rocks. Would I stop feeling the pain he has given me?
"I saw and heard everything, Jacob." I turn around to face him, he looked confused. "Stop playing dumb you must've heard me!" I yell at him. "When you kissed her. When you told her you'll fight for her. I was there for all of it. You told her that you love her." I say starting to shake.
"Calm down Jessica." He says extending his arms to me. I step back.
"Don't touch me!" I say stepping backwards again, one more step and I fall. "Listen to me and choose wisely." I say coldly. "Choose me or lose me. I'm not a backup plan and definitely not a second freaking choice!" I tell him with so much seriousness. He doesn't respond. "Damn Jacob chose me or her." He looks down at the ground. "I see. You already choose her right." I tell him moving my head. I step back. Nooooo! Looks like I was right if I fell with not jumping off to the water. I would hit the rocks. I don't open eyes. I think I'm dying. I can't feel anything anymore. No more pain. I like it.

Jacob's P.O.V

"Damnd Jacob choose me or her." I look down. I can't bear to see the pain in her face. "I see. You already choose her right." She says and steps back. My head snaps up but she has already fallen. I jump off into the the water. I swim over to where she fell. I get out of the water and look for her body. I see her body with blood. Tears of water fall from my eyes. I run to her and pick her up. I swim with her on me and run and set her in the car. I speed over to the first person that can help her. Doctor Cullen. I pull my phone out and call Emily's house.
"Pick up, pick up." I say into the phone I look at Jessica and then back on the rode.
"Sam Uley speaking." Sam says through the phone.
"Sam." I say frantically. "Jessica is in trouble. I'm taking her to doctor Cullen." I say.
"What happened?" He order me to tell him.
"She got in an accident." Is all I say.
"Okay we are on our way." He says and I hang up. I look at Jessica and run my hand through her hair. "I'm sorry for all the pain I've given you." I pull up at the glass house. I get out of the car and run to the other side of the car. I pick her up and run to the front door. The doc is already at the door.
"I'll take her, Jacob." He says extending his arms out.
"Can you help her?" I ask carefully putting her in his arms
"I will see what I can do." He says before using his vampire speed to go up stairs. I lean on the wall and slide down to the floor.
"What did you do to her mutt." Blondie spats at me. She feel off a cliff while we were arguing. I say to myself.
"She fell from a cliff." Edward says walking in holding Bella at his side.
"Can't you stay out of my head." I say standing up angrily. "What I think are only for me not for you." I say getting in his face. Paul, burst in first followed by Embry and Leah.
"Where is she. Where is my sister." Paul asks running over to us.
"Carlisle is with her right now. He is going to rebreak some bones. And wait for them to heal. She also lost lots of blood, and when she wakes up she might of lost her memory." Edward informs us. She can lose her memory. Noo that can't happen.
"When can we see her." Embry asks, tears wanting to fall.
"Whenever Carlisle tells. Until then you guys can stick around." He says motioning to the white couches and kitchen. We all take a seat and wait.

Imprinting is not always right *Jacob Black*Where stories live. Discover now