shopping with blondie

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"Wake Jessica." Leah yelled I'm my ear and shakes me around.
"5 more minutes." I groan moving my hand looking for her. When my hand reaches her arm I push her away.
"Jessica get up. You got to go too school. I'm going to pick you up and we will meet Rosalie at the mall." She says, I groan and slowly get up from bed. "I all ready pocked your clothes out. See its kinda like what I'm wearing." She says giving me the clothes and looking at hers.
"Go outside I'll be down in a while." I push her out and go take a shower then change in too the clothes. I walk down stairs and Leah is waiting in the living room.
"You ready. I'm taking you to school, we have to pick Seth up." She says turning off the TV and getting up.
"Yeah." I respond and go to her car. We go to her house and Seth runs up to the car and get in the back seats.
"Hi Jessica, hi Leah." He cheerfully speaks.
"Hey Seth." I say looking back at him and smile. "You ready to go to school?" I ask.
"Not where I'd like to be but yeah I guess I'm ready." He answers.

"Seth, your going to Sams after school with Embry. Jessica I'm picking you up so we can meet Rose at the mall." She tells us from the window.
"Okay Leah." We say and I go to class and Seth goes with the pack.
I walk though the hallways and someone walks next to me. Not the guys cause it doesn't smell like them but.
"Poor girl." Sarah's high pitched voice says. "Jacob black left you didn't he." She taunts, and I ignore her. "He left you for the Cheif Swan's daughter. Didn't he." I start to shake but I try to keep it controlled. "He took your heart played with it. Made you think he loved you and crushed you." I turned around and my palm hit her on her cheek hard. She holds her cheek. "What the hell!" She snaps and the people around us surround us.
"You should probably shut your mouth. My personal life is for me and those people that are in my personal life. Not for some fake Barbie to come and rub it in my face." I say in her face. "O thought you got it when I first saw you, when I spilled the drink on you. If you know what's good for you. You'll stay away from me and the cult." I say putting air quotations on cult. I storm off to class and sit in the very back. Jared and Izzy are already there sitting in front of me. I'm still shaking a little with anger but I already let some of the steam out.
"Jess calm down. I can hear the chair moving." Jared says, they turn around and look at me. "Was it Jacob?" Jared asks. Okay, Izzy knows about us being wolves as well as Jared imprinting on her. Of course Jared asks that. He is my brothers best friend so he protects me as well.
"No." I snarl quietly so the few student around don't hear me. "It was Sarah." I tell him.
"Shell never learn, not to mess with you." Isabel said. "I mean your my cousin sure but I'm scared of you believe it or not. Like your really tall, your built-up. I'm scared of Paul to and like Leah and everyone else in the pack but, Seth and Jared. They look harmless." She says, Jared kisses her cheek.
"I'm not as angry as before." I promise them. "I let some of my steam off on Sarah. I slapped her hard."
"You didn't." Isabel says.
"You don't know Jessica if your saying she didn't." Jared said objecting.
"I did, so don't be surprised if you see her and my hand is printed on her face." I smirk. I don't feel the anger anymore. Like cold water taking out a fire.

"So how was school." Leah asks as soon as I'm in the car.
"It was great. I slapped a girl." I say proud of myself.
"Why did you do that?" She ask not mad at me or anything just wanting to know more.
"She was talking about Jacob and I. I lost it and my hand hit her face." I say like it's no big deal.
"You go girl. Teacher not to mess with you." She says, I chuckle at her reaction. "Jessica, are you going to go to the club on Saturday night after graduation?" She asks.
"of course. I'll go to any club, party that has loud music and those things. Are you going?" I ask her.
"If Paul likes those things of course you do. He is you twin." She tells herself. "I'm going, cause your going. That means we need to buy clothes for that. As well as your graduation dress, and your dress or what ever you'll wear for the beach party the school is holding for the seniors." She says.
"Yep." I agree.
The ride to the mall seemed short. Leah parks the car and we walk inside the mall and Rosalie is siting on a bench by herself. She sees us and walks to us with a smile.
"Hi girls." She says and hugs Leah. Leah looked surprised but then returns the hug. She hugs me as well and I hug her back. "Okay so I'm in need for two dresses."She says as we follow her into a store.
"I also need two." Leah agrees. "And Jessie needs three." Leah tells her for me.
"Okay we will start in this store. Pick the ones you like and then we wait for each other in the fitting room." Rose tells us motioning to the dress racks around.
"Okay."We answer and split up our ways. I run my hand through a rack. I don't really like shopping neither does Leah but we still got style. I grab a black simple dress and I keep going through racks and picking dresses. I look down at the five dresses I chose. I think these are good, at least two of them will not be choosen. I walk to the fitting room and Leah is sitting on the floor.
"You done?" She ask.
"Yeah, you?" I reapond.
"Yeah. Lets just wait for-"
"Im here." Rose interrupts Leah.
"You go first Rosalie." Leah an I both tell her.
"Fine." She says and walks into the room. Leah and I wait outside, Rosalie only chose 2 dresses. First dress. My mouth falls open at how pretty Rosalie looks.
"That's a keeper." Leah and I say together again in awe. Rosalie smile wide and goes to try the other one out. If Rosalie looked pretty in the other dress then a goddess in this one.
"They are both keepers." I respond, Leah is too astonished to say anything.
"Your going next Jessica."She says and goes to change back in to her clothes. She walks out and I stand up and try on the dress I don't really like out of the three. "So how many dresses do you need?" Rosalie asks to make sure.
"Three." I say stepping out. I look at there rection and they aren't good. I go back inside without needing them to tell me. Next one I don't really like. I step outside and once again I'm greeted with a ucky face.
"What are you trying to do? Your glad I'm the one shopping with you and not Alice." Rosalie says. I roll my eyes at her playfully and change into the other dresses, those got approved. Leah chose two dresses and they where very pretty on her. I think that was the first time I have seen Leah in a dress and she looks wondwrfull.
"That was fun." Leah says as we walk out of the store with our bags.
"Yeah I got admitt you guys aren't so bad. The boys are mutts but you girls are awesome. We should do this more often. Hang out together." She says happily but then frowns. "But it would be better if we were human. That way I could do things you guys can do. Like, eat, sleep late at tour guys house." She says and Leah and I feel bad. We stay quiet until we get to the parking lot.
"We had fun Rosalie." I tell her again.
"I did too." She agrees and gives us a hug before going to her car speeding away.
"I'm starving." Leah say starting the car.
"Me too." I agree patting my flat tummy. "Let's leave the bags at our houses and then go to Emily's for dinner." I suggest and she nods and we drive to my house and then hers.

"Where the hell were you!" Jacob barks at me as he comes storming outside the house.
"Why should I tell you where I was." I snap at him. "Your not my father, and your not my brother." I say walking up to him.
"It doesn't matter. I didn't see you at school. I'm your imprint I'm supposed to know where you are." He barks again, Leah growls at him but I push her back.
"Imprint or not you lost me remember. I'm going on with my life without you. I can do and go wherever I want. I told Paul, and my dad, and Leah told Seth." I respond, I walk around h and Leah follows behind. He grabs my wrist very tightly again.
"Where were you and why do you smell like leech?!" He snarls.
"Didn't you get it Jacob." I tell him. "I can tell you of I want to. You lost me Jacob. Get that through your god damn head." I pull my wrist put of his with all my strength. I phase and growl at him before running home.
I walk inside quietly not to wake my dad up. I tiptoe to my room but don't succeed.
"You home already?" I turn around and my dad is leaning on the wall.
"Yeah." I respond.
"I thought you were going to Sam Uley's?" He asks.
"Um I changed my mind." I take a step up the stairs.
"I can see that, that's not the reason your here." He look down at my wrist. Damn it I thought it healed already. "What happened?" He ask, I sigh I won't be able to get around this.
"I got in an argument with Jacob Black. He was holding my wrist a little to tight." I say and go up a few more steps.
"Jessica, do you want me to go talk to him?" He ask.
"No I fight my own fights." I say. "Just like a Lahote." I say and leave to my room. I close my door and change into my pajama shorts and tanktop. I play some background music and lay in bed with my eyes closed.

Imprinting is not always right *Jacob Black*Where stories live. Discover now