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I drive over to Leah's house. I knock on the door and Seth opens.
"Hey Seth." I say getting him in a headlock and messing his hair up.
"Seriously Jess." He says trying to get out of my arms. I let go and and he stumbles backwards.
"Hey Jessie." Leah says jogging down the stairs.
"Hey Leah. Want to go to the beach. We can ask Embry on the way." I tell her. "Seth you want to join." I ask him.
"No I'm going to Collin's house with Brady." Seth says as he goes outside.
"Let's go then." Leah and I walk outside. I hand her my phone so she an call Embry. She puts it in speakers and it starts to ring. He doesn't answer so we try a few more times. No answer. We are both worried start to worry but Leah more then me. He doesn't have potrol, last time we both saw him was yesterday. We swing by his house. His mom answers says Embry hasn't been back since yesterday. I call Paul asking if he is at potrol or at Emily's. He said no one has seen him since yesterday. He wasn't there for his potrol. We go around town and Forks looking for him.
"If he isn't home by tomorrow night. We will tell Sam and search for him, and I guess also get the police involved." Leah tells me. She has been freaking out about him this whole time. More then me.
We head to my place for dinner. Not wanting to tell Sam yet. We finish eating and I go drop her off at her house.
"Leah. He is fine. Embry is a big boy. He can protect himself from the normal and the unormal, he is a huge wolf." I try to cheer her up. Leah and Embry sure got close if him missing causes her to be like this.
"Your right. See you tomorrow Jessica." She says and walks up to her house. I wait for her to get inside before I leave. My phone vibrates before I leave so I check the message.

From : Jacob Black

Hi love, I missed you all day today. Want to spend the night at my place. It's going to rain to night with thunder and lightning. I'll be at your side to protect you.

I look outside and I see some rain clouds. I text him back.

To : Jacob Black

Missed you too Jacob. I see it is going to rain but I don't need you to protect me from the lightning and thunder. I'm not scared of it. I'll be at your place in a few.

The rain starts to pour hard as I stop infront of the Black's house. I get out of the car and run up the Billy's wheelchair ramp Jake build. I knock on the door, getting wet as I wait. Jacob opens up and greets me with a hug and a kiss. "Where is your dad?" I ask him.
"He is keeping Cheif Swan company." He answers. I was leaning on the wall and now he has me cornered. Thunder strikes. He lifts his hand and places it on my cheeck. "Jessica I need you.... I want you." He says brushing his lips against mine. I shiver at the touch and the sound of his voice.
"I also need and want you Jacob." I admitt.
I close my eyes and his lips are perfect on mine. I he lifts me up my back still pressed to the wall. I can see beautiful lights like the northern lights. He unbuttons my plaid shirt pulling it off and kissing my neck and colarbone. He carries me to his room never his lips leaving mine. He takes off his pants and hovers over me. Kissing me not like anyway he has before. He takes off my pants leaving in my under clothes under him. His finger tips brushing against my skin. I don't want to open my eyes cause I'm afraid if I do then. I will be in room by myself and all this might have been just a dream.

Next morning

I turn to my side, but I can't. I open eyes, Jacob is holding me to his chest. I slip out of his arms and get my clothes. I put shoes on I walk to the kitchen to let him sleep and so I can make some breakfest. I look outside and it's still pouring outside. I see a police cruiser driving on the street. It stops infront and I walk outside to help Cheif Swan with Billy.
"Hello Cheif Swan." I say.
"Hey aren't you the girl that found-" I cut him off cause I don't want to remember that day.
"Yeah that's me Jessica Lahote." I respond. We push Billy inside the house. "Billy need me to help you with anything. I cooked breakfest." I tell him.
"Hey Charlie you want to stay for breakfest?" Billy asks.
"I don't know." Charlie responds. "I don't think k there is enough food for all of us."
"Cheif Swan there is enough food for you." I tell him.
"Okay then I'm going to go turn the car off." He says and walks out to the rain.
"Jess would you mind getting the mail and where is Jacob?" He asks.
"Jacob's sleeping. I'll get the mail for you." I go outside and get the mail from the mail box. Cheif Swan is going to.open the door but I stop him. "Cheif Swan." He turns around.
"What's wrong sweetheart." He asks concerned.
"My friend has gone for two nights. Leah Clearwater and I looked for him all over the rezirvation and Forks, every possible place he could be yesterday. Both Leah and I agreed if he doesn't come back by tonight we will tell the police and Sam Uley. Sam Uley and us would go looking for him in the woods." I tell him.
"Okay, can I get his name, a picture of him, and last place seen. And I'll keep an eye out for him." He says.
"According to Leah last place she saw him was. He was running to his car when she left in the direction to the highway."
"You don't know where he could've gone. Any family other friends."
"No. He doesn't have any friends other then all of us who are in 'Sam's cult.'" I tell him with air quotes. "Family his mother who is here in the rez."
"Father?"He asks.
"We don't know who his father could be. The possibilities of his father's are all here exept for one who has passed away." I respond. I get phone out and look through my pictures.
"Name and a picture of him." I find the perfect picture. It's a picture of only him when we first phased. I make it bigger and show it to Charlie. "Embry Call." I tell him. He studies the picture.
"Okay Jessica. I'll keep an eye out. All you guys can do is wait. Let's go inside." He opens the door and I give Billy the mail. I get the food, put it on plates and set it infront of the men. Jacob walks in giving me a quick kiss before sitting down with his father and Charlie. I get two more plates one for me and the other for Jacob.
As soon as Charlie is done he is up.
"Thank you for breakfeast. Jessica I'll be on whatch." He asures me.
"Thank you Charlie." I collect the dishes and go wash them. I hear the door open and slam closed, and Billy yelling at Jacob. I drop the plates and run outside. I get Billy inside. "What happened." I scan the fancy letter he gave me. No. "I'll go after him. I'll try to bring him back." I run and phase as I hit the protection of the woods. I run following Jacob's faint scent. I run and run until I lose his scent. I run back to Billy's.
"Where us he?" He asks.
"I'm sorry Billy I lost his scent." A few silent tears slip, but those were the only ones. "I'm going to tell the pack." I tell him. I phase again and howl the howl we use for meetings. Hopefully Embry will be here. I get to Sams and everyone is there. Everyone but Embry and Jacob.
"What's happened Jessica. Why do you need to talk to us?" Sam asks.
"Two things. Embry has been missing for two nights. Jacob just left because he go an invitation to the leech lover's wedding. I followed his scent but the rain washed it off. He was just running up north." I tell him.
"Do you know why Embry left?" Sam asks.
"No. I don't know. Leah and I looked for him all day yesterday and we didn't find him. All I know is that they are both gone." I say.
"Okay. Everyone let's go look for them!" Sam orders. We all phase and we go in pairs to find them.

Embry's P.O.V

I don't want to go back. At least not yet. I don't know what to do anymore. She left with him again, and he is only going to bring her heartache. What am I saying. I just don't want her to get hurt by my best friend. I'll go back. I just have to process what I want, and if I want to go back. I have been hiding something from Jessica. Something I'm not sure if she already knows. I have been hiding for a long time and I'm not sure if my imprint has told her. I have been not acting like I should with her. I mean we are real close I'm just not being what she expects me to be. Thay is my number one reason of going back. I want to make things right. She hasn't felt much love or felt wanted. I want to show her what love is and make her feel wanted with me. I turn the faucet on scoop some water and splash it on my face. I have purple I lids, my tanned skin is going pale. I cut my hair, and I'm not wearing the same style clothes I used to. I have changed. I wonder if the guys are looking for me I wonder how Jessica and Jacob are doing. I wonder if mom cares that I'm gone. I wonder how my imprint is doing. I walk out if the bathroom and slip on a jacket I bought. I walk around people stareing as I walk past them. I pull the collar of the jacket up so it covers half of the sides of my face, and stuff my hands in the pockets. I see a sign up front that has light and loud music. I walk in and sit down at the bar. I order a beer. I think I'll stick around Seattle for a while. I look at my phone and I have a bunch off messages and missed calls. I look through them and they are all from the pack. Mostly Leah, Jessica and Quil. None of then being Jacob's number. I bet he did something to Jessica. I gulp the rest of the beer and order another one. I have the bartender give me another one everything I'm done with the one I have drunk. Some guys see me and give me some white powders and they tell me to sniff them. I do so and I feel dizzy but it makes me feel good. Those guys leave and left me a small bag full of the white powder. I put it in my pocket and I start to feel realy sleepy. My eyes close but I open them. They close again but this time I don't open them.

"Kid. Kid. You have to go I'm closing up." I get awake by getting shook. I open my eyes slowly still feeling tired.
"Okay." I say a way I have never talked. Not my normal voice. No. It was I don't know. Low, slurred I can't really discribe it. Not even when I'm drunk do I talk like that. I get up and walk outside. It's sunny outside the sun blinds me. It takes me a while to ajust to the brightness. I walk around, every step I take, looking like I'll fall. I look for my car of I remeber where I parked it? I get in the car and just sit. I can't drive like this. I'll probably crash or something. I make the seat go back and cover the windows so no light comes in. I sleep right here in the car.

Imprinting is not always right *Jacob Black*Where stories live. Discover now