I Lost Her

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Jacob's P.O.V

Emma Roberts as Sierra 

I get to Sams house with Sierra. "Looks like they got a visiter." Sierra  says. A convertible silver camaro is infront of Sam's house. The only people with good looking cars are the Cullens. I stop beside it and get out of the car. I walk to the front of car and wait for Sierra.
"I wounder who it is." She says holding my hand.
"Me too." We walk up the stairs. I open the door and everyone is crowded in the living room around a girls with long brown hair. I can't see her face only her back.
"Sean is my boyfriend." The girl says.
"How did you meet him Jessica?" Emily asks entering the living room feom the kitchen. Jessica? Jessica as in Jessica Lahote Paul's twin sister and my imprint?!
"I meet him I got to Long Beach." Long Beach that's where she was this whole time. "I went to a beach for a walk to stretch out my legs. While I was walking Paul called me. We talked I talked to Sam and then someone yells at me to watch out. I look up and Rex is already jumping at me. I fall back and my phone fell in the water and didn't work after that. He helped me up got me a new phone and then asked if I wanted to stay at his place. I said yes and then he ot me a job at his company, gave me a place to stay. In that time we got closer and then we started dating. I love Sean. Alot. He has made me a better person, and makes me feel great. I'm very happy i have him." Jessica loves someone else. He makes her feel great. She is happy she has him. I feel myself start to boil. Hearing that my imprint loves someone that is not me. Knowing that I'm not the one making her happy. The way Jessica talks about him. With so much love.
"Why didn't he come with you?" Paul asks.
"Two reasons. One he is needed in his company. Second, with the news Alice gave me I wouldn't want him up here. At least he would be safe in his office." She responds.
"Playing with his heart aren't you." Sarah says taking her hand out of mine and moving forward with her as crossed. Jessica and everyone turns looking at Sierra. "I bet he gives you everything you want cause you got him wrapped around your finger."
"If it isn't barbie doll." Jessica says. "Seeing you standing here with all of us makes you look so fake. Obviously the only reason your here is because Jacob comes here."
"Jakey, tell her that ain't true." Sierra tells me. You got yourself in to this, and I think Jessica's right. I think but the words that come out are not what I wanted.
"Hey Jess. You look great." From the corner of my eye I see Sarah looking at me wide eyed and mouth slightly open.
"Thanks." She responds.
"You got to be kidding me. You come back right when I have gotten what I want and its going great. And now you are taking Jacob away from me." Sarah says getting in Jessica's face.
"Looks like we are going back to high school." Jessica's towers over Sierra. I can see Jessica's fist start to shake and start to go white.
"Looks like we are." Sierra agrees looking up at her.
"I thought we were good." Jessica says.
"Me and you good. Yeah right."
"Then look at me in the eyes. If I see you here, or even near this house or any of these guys house. Your dead." Jessica says her eyes turning dark. I'm 100% sure if I was Sierra I'd be running to Jacob to take me home.
"You wouldn't even touch a hair on me." Sierra says.
"I would never touch your hair." Jessica's hand moves like lighting to Sierra's arm.
"Let go of me! Your hurting me." Sierra tries to get Jessica's hand off. "Help me." She says in pain.
"Jacob! Take Sierra away before the wolves out of the bag!" Sam orders. I take Jessica's hand off Sarah. I pick Sierra up and put her in the car. I slam the door shut. I get in and drive away. Before I lose sight of the house I see Jessica running out of the house and taking the sweatshirt off.
"She left her hand mark on my arm." Sierra says holding her arm.
"What the hell was that Sierra!" I tell her.
"You didn't tell her anything. So I did." She responds.
"Sierra we are done. I never wanted this in the first place." I tell her.
"Then why did you-"
"Ask you out." I finish for her. "You were always bugging me and at least when I asked you out you stopped bugging me like you used to. I can't keep acting like I like you if I don't." I explain. "I'm not good enough for you Sarah. There is someone out there for you. Just be patient and you'll find him. Or maybe you've already found him but turned him down. I'm very sorry of I've hurt you." I apologize as I get to her driveway.
"Jacob you hurt me right now. Alot." Sarah says looking at me. I feel bad for her. Very bad. "But you made see that you don't and will never love me. You also made me see that you can't force love. Maybe your right, there might be someone for me." Sierra gets out of the car.
"That guy will be lucky to have you, Sierra." I tell her. She smiles and walks up to her house. In those few months I saw a Sierra that I've never seen. The loving, caring, Sierra. Not the mean, horrible Sierra. I turn around and drive back to Sam.

Imprinting is not always right *Jacob Black*Where stories live. Discover now