Looks Can Trick

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(Sean Faris as Sean McFaris, pic of him above)

"I have a question about imprinting." I tell him.
"What is it?" He asks concerned.
"Sam is it possible to reimprint?" I finally ask. He doesn't answer and I start to feel he has hung up. "Sam you still there." I say.
"Yeah I'm here." He responds. "I don't know why do you ask." Sam tells me.
"Cause if it is, I think I imprinted on some else." I tell him.
"I don't think it possible because a person can only have one soul mate. Are you sure you imprinted. Again?" He asks.
"Well when I looked into his eyes I just fell for him. I feel the need to protect him. To make him happy or at least know that he is happy." I tell Sam.
"What are your current feelings for Jacob?" Sam asks.
"I don't know? Nothing." I answer but then I take more thought into it. "I have the same feelings for him." I respond.
"Okay. Jess I want you to stay around this guy. While I figure I anything about this." Sam tells me.
"Don't tell Jacob tho." I tell him.
"I won't. I'll ask the counsel if they night know anything. Maybe there is a legends that might talk about reimprinting. I'll try to help you out."
"Thank you so much Sam." I tell him.
"Your welcome. Call me everyday around 7 pm so I can tell you if I got anything about this imprinting thing."
"Okay." I yell him.
"Want me to hand the phone to anyone?" He asks.
"Um no. Just tell Paul I'll call him some other time." I tell him.
" Kay bye Jess." He says
"Bye Sam." We hang up and I sit down on the soft big white couch. Rex comes out from a room and gets on the dog couch beside me. I rub his stomach and the he rolls over.
"He likes you." Sean says squatting and rubbing Rex as well. "So will you stay here or will you leave?" He asks.
"I'd like to stay if you don't mind." I respond.
"No not at all. Want to bring your things in?" He says standing up.
"Sure." We go to my car and we get my suit cases and backpack. We get everything and he leads me into a bedroom. Bigger then the one back home.
"You'll be staying here. In here is the closet, the bathroom, and it has a shower. My room is the on the right infront." Sean shows me. "I'm going to leave you. I'll be in the kitchen cooking something for lunch. Maybe we can go out for dinner." He suggest.
"Sure why not." He opens the door but I stop him from leaving. "Sean. Thank you once again." I smile at him.
"Your welcome." He leaves closing the door. I start to put my things away.

Jacob's P.o.v.

I look out the window with Seth watching blondie play with Renesmee. The phone rings in the center of the table and we all look at him.
"Is it Charlie?" Bella asks.
"He has been calling twice a day." Edward answers. I turn around giving them my full attention.
"He's in a pretty rough shape." I tell her.
"Eventually we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle says standing behind the chair he was sitting on.
"Okay we will do it tomorrow." Bella's responds turning around to stand next Edward.
"I'm going to miss this place." Emmett says standing up.
"We'll come back we always do." Carlisle tells him.
"Wait no one said anything about leaving." I butt in.
"Once people believe Bella's dead we can't risk having anyone seeing her." The doc says.
"So you just disappear." I say looking at Bella and Edward.
"Jacob we don't have another choice." Edward says. I leave with my mind in blank for if he tries to get in. I get on my bike and ride away.

I stop infront of Charlie's house. I hear wood being cut in the woods. I go on the trail beside the house and Charlie is cutting wood for the cold.
"Hey." He says after cutting one more piece. "Heard anything?" He asks.
"Charlie. Bella's." How do I tell him this.
"No she's not." Charlie says.
"No, no, no." I tell him. "She's fine. She's back home and feeling better." He sighs in relief.
"Why didn't you says so." He places his hand on my shoulder and start to walk away. Jacob you have to do it know.
"Wait, there is something you have to see something first." I turn around to face him.
"I need to see Bella." He says.
"Look." I stop him. "In order for Bella to get better she had to." How do I say this. "Change."
"What do you mean change." Charlie asks confused. I sigh, and take off my jaket.
"Here goes nothing."I mumble to myself.
"What the hell are you doing?" Charlie asks.
"You don't live in the world you think you do." I tell him.
"Jacob put your clothes on." He orders. Ignore him.
"This might seem strange. Really strange." I tell him. "But stranger things happen everyday. Trust me." I asure him. I think of all the mistakes I've made. How I hurt Jessica. And I phase. Charlie falls back, but I lay down so he can see I won't hurt him.

"I solved your problem. You were leaving. What did you expect me to do?" I tell Bella and Edward.
"You don't realize the danger you've put him in." Bella says. "The volturi would kill anyone who knows about us."
"I didn't tell him about you, only about me. I told him that you were diffrent." I tell her. "And I suppose you didn't realize what you were doing to Nissie, and Seth by leaving." I tell them.
"That Renesmee is our niece that we adopted." Edward says.
"I mean seriously Jake. He is not going to let that go." Bella snaps. They aren't even saying anything about what I told them about Seth and Renesmee.
"Did you consider the physical pain you'd put Bella's through. It be like stiking a white hot branding iron down your throat. And that's a summing she can control her thirst." Edward says.
"Did you consider the physical pain you'd be causing Seth and Renesmee of you left." I tell them. I don't want them to experience that. Cause I am and it's terrible. "Charlie's been in hell. I bet that you'd be happier with him in your life." I tell her.
"Jacob don't pretend your doing to anyone but yourself." Edward says.
"Sorry you feel like that but that's not true. I mean you two aren't thinking about the imprint bound your daughter and set have. I have experienced being away from imprint and I'm going through that right know. I don't want then to go through what I am. And Charlie will be here in ten minutes." I say.

I go back home and work on the other motorcycle. It feels like forever since Jessica left, but it was only yesterday. I sigh and put the wrench down. I want Jessica to come back. I want her to come so I can show her that I messed up before but I get one more chance I will show her that we can be together. We can live a happy life together.
"Jacob, dinner." Dad calls from the house. I put everything away and go inside to eat.

Jessica's P.o.v

I make my way through the halls looking for the kitchen. Rex runs up to me. "Hey boy. Want to help me get to Sean." I tell him. He walks down the hall way and I follow him. I get to the kitchen and Sean is placing food in plates.
"Hey Jessica." He smiles and turns away from the plates to face me. He hold me from the shoulders and leads me to the table. Sean pulls the chair out for me and has me sit down, and pushes it in. "I'll be back." He smile and leaves. He comes back in with plates and the drinks. I watch him the whole time. "I made Past Primavera, and a ceaser salad and raspberry lemonade for lunch." Sean says putting the food down infront of me.
"Don't you think this might be to much." Or does he know something that I don't.
"No this is enough." Sean responds sitting across from me. We eat, talk, laugh. I'm slowly falling for him. Deeper and deeper.

"I want to tell you something." He says.
"What?" I ask looking at him.
"Your special." He says.
"I know. There is only one of me." I joke.
"That's true, but not what I ment." Sean responds. "I'm special too." You look at him confused. He ain't a leech cause I touched his hand and his skin isn't hard or cold, he doesn't smell like onr, and his eyes are a beautiful brown. "How can I put this." He says. "I know that you aren't human. I'm not human either. At least I don't think you'll consider me human."
"Sean, if I'm not human and your not human. What am I, and what are you?" I ask nervously.
"I won't hurt you, and you won't hurt me." He says. "Your a shape-shifter. I've never meet one before. I've done research about shape-shifters." He says. "One you said you come from the Quileute reservation I remembered I read a legend about shape-shifters. When I touched your hand you were boiling hot for a normal person." This is just making me want to know who or what Sean is.
"What are you?" I ask him.
"You don't know?" He asks.
"No not anymore. I was convinced that you were human." I tell him.
"That's a gift I have. I guess you can say. I can change my smell, and I can tell what species you are."
"Sean, I still don't know. Your not like me and your not human." I tell him.
"I'm a vampire." He responds. I abruptly stand up, and a growl comes out of me. My guard up ready phase or fight back.
"How is that possible. You have a pulse. Blood running through you." I tell him.
"I'm not fully a vampire." He stands up and walks to me but I step away. He sighs and stays where he is. "My mother died when giving birth to me. She was human my father a vampire. When I looked old enough to be on my own I lift my dad's side. I didn't like his way of life. I didn't like and don't like drinking human blood because I like to consider myself human. I like human food better." He explains.
"You don't feed on blood?" I ask relaxing a little.
"I do just not human blood, and I don't really go out to hunt. I rather feed on animal blood." He says.
"Animal blood." I imediately thought of the Cullen's. "How old are you?" I ask him.
"I'm 122, or I can be 21." He responds.
"Wow. I know some vampires that also only drink animal blood." I tell Sean.
"Really?" He says.
"Yeah." I respond.
"Let's go to the living room, and tell me about these vampires. As well as about yourself and your wolf friends and family." He says taking my hand and leading me in the living room.
"How do you know I shape-shift into a wolf?" I ask.
"You smell like one but I don't mind. And remeber I can tell what you are if your not human." He says.

Imprinting is not always right *Jacob Black*Where stories live. Discover now